Nothing really to blog about I guess. I'm drowning myself in hockey as much as possible because I can and because it's one of the only things that make me truley happy and excited. Went to some hockey games recently.. Home opener vs. NJ (loss ) and the Tor game where Sid got 100g -200a -300pt and Malkin got 200pt That was a really good game.
Went on vacations with my BFF's. We went to Corolla, North Carolina. Beautiful -- If you live any where near there, consider yourselves lucky. The hooters waitress was complaning because there was nothing to do there. HELLO BEACH! Just imagine living in a place like that -- but no Beach. Hello East Liverpool, Ohio. Well I guess at least our Wal-Mart is open 24/7 -- and our resturants don't close at like 6. But still... it's just amazing there. I went there last year with Kenny, Shotgun's B/F. We're all going again next year. The horrid ass drive is so worth it.
Work blows as always.
I got a raise and the union took over. I'm not sure how I feel about the union yet -- I know I don't like our new time off schedule Makes it hard for me to get time off for all the hockey games I have tickets for. But I do like this new exchange time thing where I can leave work an hr early then make it up later on in that week. Not bad. My only thing is I don't even plan on staying past 745 which means I have to get my ass up early. Early + me / work= one pissed off customer care rep.
Shotgun amd I are supposed to shoot tomorrow for some clothing companies. I'm trying to get better at this photography thing. I'd really love to do it full time but I just don't have the money to buy ALL the equipment. I'm getting pieces little by little. Lights are on my agenda next. But we do alright for what we have. I have my pictures submitted to JPGMAG. A really nice site and magazine for photograpy. I'm not near as good as some of thsoe guys on the site but I guess I do ok. I sent off for some information on a scholol for photography through the mail -- I don't know that I trust it though. Seems fishy. I asked a local photographer for her advise becase I love her photography, but she never email me back.
I am sick. And I hate it. I am not throwing up or anything just coughing like a cat with a freakin hairball. Of course I worked today and it was busy so I had to talk all day now my throat is freaking killing me. I think Shotgun might have to learn hand signals for our shoot tomorrow. I think we are doing it at my house. Not really sure yet. Guess we'll fnd out tomorrow.
*cough cough cough* ugh Fuck this cold. Pens are beating the Rangers right now. It better stay that way. Just sayin'
EDIT:: Pictures added.
But its on Versus.
I dont care for games on Versus.
Three for Jordan Staal!!
Crazy game, that seems to be the norm against Detroit.