first blog on my new laptop!! woo! yay for that. .. and i'm done.
actually i'm just done being happy for the moment. is anyone else fully aware of the trajedy that is about to happen to the city of pittsburgh? i'm a very large and in charge pens fans. so yea, i'm pretty upset.. and i will be pretty upset until i hear that they are staying... which is unlikey... but i have to say. this is the first time in quite a while that i have actually prayed. i'm not a spiritual person by any means so maybe its kinda hyprocital of me to pray for the politics to stop and to save the pens!! but i'm not just praying because i want them to stay for me. i mean think about it. how many of the players make pittsburgh their home. for gods sake ryan malone grew up in pittsburgh.. can you imagine what a dream come true it was for him to play for the team he grew up watching.. not many people get to do that... yea yea ben roth..whatever. ick dont get me started. he's a good player dont get me wrong but i dont know he just strikes me as an egotistical prick. but i guess you can do that when you win the superbowl your rookie year... i mean wouldn't you? i know i would... so there i go being hyprocital again. eh.. everyone is at some point. so dont judge until you look at your own life... at least i can admit it.. *a
actually i'm just done being happy for the moment. is anyone else fully aware of the trajedy that is about to happen to the city of pittsburgh? i'm a very large and in charge pens fans. so yea, i'm pretty upset.. and i will be pretty upset until i hear that they are staying... which is unlikey... but i have to say. this is the first time in quite a while that i have actually prayed. i'm not a spiritual person by any means so maybe its kinda hyprocital of me to pray for the politics to stop and to save the pens!! but i'm not just praying because i want them to stay for me. i mean think about it. how many of the players make pittsburgh their home. for gods sake ryan malone grew up in pittsburgh.. can you imagine what a dream come true it was for him to play for the team he grew up watching.. not many people get to do that... yea yea ben roth..whatever. ick dont get me started. he's a good player dont get me wrong but i dont know he just strikes me as an egotistical prick. but i guess you can do that when you win the superbowl your rookie year... i mean wouldn't you? i know i would... so there i go being hyprocital again. eh.. everyone is at some point. so dont judge until you look at your own life... at least i can admit it.. *a
new laptop im jealous