Thank you to everyone for your support on Amor & Psyche. It is very much appreciated.
Visiting museums all over the last years, I've developed rather a big fascination for taxidermy and plastination. I think I would like to have some kind of knowledge or formation in this field. I searched on the Internet and there is not much in Belgium.
Is any of you a taxidermist? Do you know one? Or would you have any information on a formation?
Then, and it's more urging, I need to do a professional training anywhere I would have to speak Spanish and English all the time, as a translator or subtitler/dubber. That's for the beginning of 2011, 1 to 3 months. Anywhere. HELP. that's very important and I can't find anything because it's suche a short period of time. They want people for at least 6 months nearly everywhere. If you have any idea please tell!
And finally I'm selling my beloved iPhone 3G on eBay.

Visiting museums all over the last years, I've developed rather a big fascination for taxidermy and plastination. I think I would like to have some kind of knowledge or formation in this field. I searched on the Internet and there is not much in Belgium.
Is any of you a taxidermist? Do you know one? Or would you have any information on a formation?
Then, and it's more urging, I need to do a professional training anywhere I would have to speak Spanish and English all the time, as a translator or subtitler/dubber. That's for the beginning of 2011, 1 to 3 months. Anywhere. HELP. that's very important and I can't find anything because it's suche a short period of time. They want people for at least 6 months nearly everywhere. If you have any idea please tell!
And finally I'm selling my beloved iPhone 3G on eBay.

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Mais bon c'est un site francophone donc si c'est pour un stage l'etranger, je sais pas trop si a va t'aider mais on sait jamais...