Feeling childish after preparing to go to concerts all weekend long (only Belgian artists, I think)

May be you know some...
27-02-08 BOTA @ AB
19.00 - Club : PAPA DADA
19.40 - Box : SELAH SUE
20.35 - Club : VISMETS
21.20 - Box : JERONIMO
28-02-08 AB @ BOTA
19.00 - Rotonde : THE SEDAN VAULT
19.40 - Orangerie : BARBIE BANGKOK
20.35 - Rotonde : MAXIMUS
21.20 - Orangerie : JOSHUA
Have a nice week end, everyone. I love you!

May be you know some...
27-02-08 BOTA @ AB
19.00 - Club : PAPA DADA
19.40 - Box : SELAH SUE
20.35 - Club : VISMETS
21.20 - Box : JERONIMO
28-02-08 AB @ BOTA
19.00 - Rotonde : THE SEDAN VAULT
19.40 - Orangerie : BARBIE BANGKOK
20.35 - Rotonde : MAXIMUS
21.20 - Orangerie : JOSHUA
Have a nice week end, everyone. I love you!

hey babycakes sorry i have responded in like a week.... i still cant find them and im in my overdraft so cant actually buy ne thing til i get paid (maybe monday) let me know if u still want the crisps.. xxx
J'essaie! Je fais plein de grosses nuits de sommeil en fait