I'll just jump right in, I turn 26 in 3 days and I guess now would be a good time to reflect on what I learned between 20 and now.
These are in no particular order as they are all quite important in my opinion.
5. Today is @marceline 's birthday (HBD GIRL) and she made a post stating that the older she gets, the less she knows, and it's totally fine.
I would tell my 20 year old self to be less of an asshole, be more laid back, be less aggressive, enjoy herself; because everything she thinks she knows is wrong - but most importantly, she won't care that she doesn't know anything, she'll enjoy it!
I wasted so much time, I hurt a lot of people, and I hurt myself because I thought I had it all figured out, by the time 22 came around, I realized that I really didn't know shit about shit.
4. Honesty is really fucking important.
It doesn't matter if the truth is really great, or really really painful, the worst feelings that I've ever felt are from guilt from being dishonest and the gut-wrenching pain of finding out I was lied to.
3. Don't take yourself too seriously. Worry less about how others see you, you will not be comfortable in your skin unless you stop caring about what other people think and solely focus on what YOU yourself think.
I have a lot of issues now because of how intensely I cared about what other people thought about me, and whilst I might be a raging anxious lunatic freak, I don't really give a shit what anyone thinks about me anymore. =D
2. Know when it's time to let go.
No matter if it's a person, an outdated idea, or an old sweater, there will always come a time when you need to let something go.
I've outgrown my favorite clothes, burned old journals, and said goodbye to my best friend; because I needed to. It's OK to leave things behind that no longer reflect who you are, because you won't grow without those experiences.
1. Be kind, humble, and selfless and LISTEN.
I was a selfish asshole for a very long time,I thought the world revolved around me and I thought that if I pretended to hate everyone, I might care less what they thought. and the ones that I actually did really love? I didn't know how to express how much I cared and I did a lot of (fucked up shit) damage to relationships that meant a lot to me because I was too selfish to see that they were giving me everything I needed, and I just thought that I needed more. I had no concept of a two-way street.
I've reflected a lot on who I was just 5 years ago, everything I've learned is based on mistakes that I have made. I have regrets and I think it's ok to have regrets because they are the product of experiences and you cannot learn and grow without them.
I am thankful to have gone through what I've been through to become who I am.