Does anyone else feel like they're still in 2015?
I feel like everything going on has been an extension of last year, and even though I am trying to remain positive and bright and embrace the chance to reset, another proverbial wall comes up and tries to keep me from feeling like I can.
I don't believe in the "new year, new me" bullshit, but I do want to feel refreshed when a new year begins. And I currently do not.
It has made me completely determined to make 2016 my bitch servant.
I want to make this year do whatever I want it to do.
It will take me where ever I want to go and wait on me hand and foot, begging to serve me.
Since I haven't been given what I want by this year so far, I'm just going to take it.
And if you feel like you've been mocked by these past few weeks of 2016, you are definitely not alone.
Remember not to be fooled.
This year is ours.