[x-posted from my myspace]
On My eccentric 3 year old, Seth Alex:
Apparently one of the driver's of Seth's cars is named Frankie. I was sitting here working when I hear behind me the sounds of rolling cast iron on wood, a crash, "CHH CHHHHH! WUH!" .. "FRAN KEEEEE" "OH NO!" "CHH CHH .. WUH."
He's always playing with his hot wheels on the table.
Also, today I caught him on top of my camaro near the antenna, and when I told him to come in noticed that he had something on his hand. He ran in to show me that he had caught a DRAGONFLY, and was holding it neatly behind the wings where it couldn't bite him. Dad made him put it in the snake cage, and after he did that, he caught not one, but TWO flies off the window. He caught one, carried it to show his dad, we told him he may as well throw that in with the snake too, and then he lost that one trying to put it in, and proceeded to calmly just CATCH another. In no time flat.
This is a good time to remind you that I have also in his short lifetime caught him in his room with a baby wasp on his finger cooing to it (without being stung), and on the porch whispering to and holding a cup of bees, who had landed all over his hand (and again, didn't sting him).
We went to Hastings and I bought him some modelling clay, and he pulled them all out in sticks and laid them in a neat row, smooshed one up into a fat L-shape and said, "LOOK, It's a puppy!!" Larry goes, "You want to make a puppy? I'll make you a puppy in a minute if you want." Seth: "I'm MAKIN a puppy!" Then cheerfully goes back to making finger indents in the sticks of clay.
My son, the artist bug whisperer.
On My eccentric 3 year old, Seth Alex:
Apparently one of the driver's of Seth's cars is named Frankie. I was sitting here working when I hear behind me the sounds of rolling cast iron on wood, a crash, "CHH CHHHHH! WUH!" .. "FRAN KEEEEE" "OH NO!" "CHH CHH .. WUH."
He's always playing with his hot wheels on the table.
Also, today I caught him on top of my camaro near the antenna, and when I told him to come in noticed that he had something on his hand. He ran in to show me that he had caught a DRAGONFLY, and was holding it neatly behind the wings where it couldn't bite him. Dad made him put it in the snake cage, and after he did that, he caught not one, but TWO flies off the window. He caught one, carried it to show his dad, we told him he may as well throw that in with the snake too, and then he lost that one trying to put it in, and proceeded to calmly just CATCH another. In no time flat.
This is a good time to remind you that I have also in his short lifetime caught him in his room with a baby wasp on his finger cooing to it (without being stung), and on the porch whispering to and holding a cup of bees, who had landed all over his hand (and again, didn't sting him).
We went to Hastings and I bought him some modelling clay, and he pulled them all out in sticks and laid them in a neat row, smooshed one up into a fat L-shape and said, "LOOK, It's a puppy!!" Larry goes, "You want to make a puppy? I'll make you a puppy in a minute if you want." Seth: "I'm MAKIN a puppy!" Then cheerfully goes back to making finger indents in the sticks of clay.
My son, the artist bug whisperer.
Sounds smarter and more fun to be around than most of my friends.
Happy Mothers Day, ma.