k first i had to take the caps off cause i just realized i sent out three emails with them on. I just woulld like to know is it wronge for me not to want to live a jerry fucking springer episode anymore. I mean it is possible to live a life free of insane fucking people to love right. I mean i should be...
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WTF over.......this site is kinda confusing to work out.....well i must be 10%smarter then the program right....ok ill breath and figure it out. and you ever look at a word penned in your own hand ,one that normally would be all but second nature to spell, but for some reason you cant seem to work out why it looks like it is spelled incorrectly. Take...
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So are you figuring things out? If you need help, just let me know, and I might have some sort of knowledge to help! Talk to you soon! wink
Thankyou SO much for the lovely message you sent me. It meant a lot, it was very kind.

The site is kinda confusing to work out, hehe
i am finally an offical profile....i exist inside the SG universe.
I would be greatfull to accept any and all greetings now that i have substance in this place...but beware of the plundering and piliaging that is sure to insue ARRR!!!