So, I'm surfing the net right now. Or I guess I just was. I was trying to hunt down Duck Boat tickets for mext month out of the Musuem of Science. You would think those duck boats were made of gold, the tickets are sooo fucking expensive. Stupid duck boats. If you go on a duck boat, they sell duck lips for $4, and I strongly suggest you buy a pair. They're hilarious and mildly annoying just in the case that you sit next to or near someone who's hitting their kids, or putting down their wife. You pull out your duck lips and blow. It stops everything within ten feet of you. It sounds like someone gave a duck a blow horn! O.k., then I had to Google homeopathic asthma remedies. Or at least things that will help, since asthma isn't technically curable. Then I stopped by here and figured I'd update. My bestest friend, Khillerkitten joined the site today! Yay! I'm sooo happy! She surprised me. I had no idea she was joining. Now all she has to do is whip up a profile and start a journal so I can leave nasty messages and harrass her! I'm alreasy giving her a hard time cause she charged a year here on the credit card, and she doesn't want her live in boyfriend to find out! Oh how I hate her boyfriend!!!! And if you're reading this, and I know you will KhillerK. dump his ass! Aaaargh, I have to work from 8am until 11pm tomorrow. Sucks ass! But I'm not on the schedule to do it again for the next 6 weeks. I bet that'll get fucked up.
I guess this is where I'd piss and moan about the guy in my life but he wont be in my life and that's what I'd complain out.
I guess this is where I'd piss and moan about the guy in my life but he wont be in my life and that's what I'd complain out.
i have a doctor's appointment on the 22nd. i might just stay in RI till then.

I guess the Sterns are doin fine.. we're playin in Worcester tonight... and in NH some other day.. we'll be back on that Dodge St. grill (or whatever they're called) some day, but I cant remember exactly when... what about you? how are ou doing? the thing about my baby's mom and me are getting harder day by day.. I really dont know what to do.. I dont even know what am I doing wrong... I guess only the time will fix this problem.. at least I hope so.. anyway.. Ill let you go now.. hehehe.. take care ;]