So I went to a specialist today for all of the injuries from "the accident". I sprained fingers, one wrist, one shoulder,all the muscles under one arm, and the funniest thing...the x rays showed that I broke the tip of my tail bone. It's just hanging out chilling doing the tail bone thing. So, I ask, what can I do about the broken tip? Whaduya think the doctor said? Yep. Thats what he said. Nothing. I do nothing. Nice. He said that if it continues to hurt for an extended amount of time, he can revisit the issue with me. Puh leeze. I think the tailbone probably has been broken for some time now cause Danjal's always slapping my ass. His fault. Yeah! My lobster claw hand still hurts. So, I'll be out of work for two weeks. Taking muscle relaxers and drinking margaritas all day. Oh, I'm lying. I dont think I'll sit around drinking all day. Maybe I'll induldge in some morning T.V. viewing which I never get to do. Is Jerry Springer still on? Whatever. I'm gonna go into Kendall Square in Cambridge tonight to see Nightwatch. Cant wait. Later

hey robster craw, you're tagged!!
just peck at the keyboard with your good hand...come on, you have plenty of time.