hey sorry, i've a lot lot lot work to do
i been working on my costumes, almost done (2 of 4) but, my tm is working on her tesis, and i've to help her with her costumes, so, i been working as slave with her, this sucks, but i really love her, she's so cute, and no, she's not into sg, hahaha, i'm gettin' crazy...
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Hey you, it's been awhile. How was Japan?
hey pple, i'm so sorry, i been working a lot, and i've a lot more of work, i've no time for anyting
, and now i've to go to usa in a few days for work, i'll writte a lot when i end with all this stuff, and thanks to all!

today i'm sick...
yesterday i recived terrible news, and i've to tell my tmate, she's sick like me right now hahaha, thanks good we solve the problem, the other fuckin' problem is that i've to spend a lot of money coz' this bad news... good bye new shoes and new lingerie...i'm going to cry...shit
yesterday i recived terrible news, and i've to tell my tmate, she's sick like me right now hahaha, thanks good we solve the problem, the other fuckin' problem is that i've to spend a lot of money coz' this bad news... good bye new shoes and new lingerie...i'm going to cry...shit

hey you:*
ughh headaches are never fun
im fine, just really busy. this schedule i have this month is killer and i find it hard too sleep but luckily i have a 4day weekend starting tomorrow
so im looking forward too that
when do you hear back from SG weather your official or not?
ughh headaches are never fun

Have a fun weekend!!!!
sun up, sun down...
haha, now you can see my ass and oobs yeah! enjoy it, the photoset is released (released?) anyway, i hope, everyone likes it, if not, there's nothing to do jajaja, hey thanks to all!
by the way, in other subjet, i'm actually in love with "SUPERVIELLE" cd, is delicious, if you can hear it! oh my...
well... besos
you will
...but i have studio hours tonight so I'm working till 5a:/

...but i have studio hours tonight so I'm working till 5a:/
I enjoyed your set. You are gorgeous!
Rosa Rubicundior
Hopeful Set
from influenza to influencia...
well, i'm going to write this in spanglish...
this pinche influenza, is just the way the politicians have to make our atention focus on another shit besides theyr pendejadas, they only want we forget the crisis, and other conflicts we have in the country, carajo con estos hijos de puta, this idiots just sink more and more in the sand trying...
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well, i'm going to write this in spanglish...
this pinche influenza, is just the way the politicians have to make our atention focus on another shit besides theyr pendejadas, they only want we forget the crisis, and other conflicts we have in the country, carajo con estos hijos de puta, this idiots just sink more and more in the sand trying...
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lol your english is fine with me...
and no, not especially...
only too the girls that have certain pictures/qualities about them that drive me particularly crazy...
like the last two in your Nightshift album....
...you're amazing:*
and no, not especially...
only too the girls that have certain pictures/qualities about them that drive me particularly crazy...
like the last two in your Nightshift album....
...you're amazing:*
Sweet! Your set is coming out tomorrow!
I wanted to wish you the best of luck to an amazing person! Hope that you are doing well!
I wanted to wish you the best of luck to an amazing person! Hope that you are doing well!
this week start great, i've work as a stunt for an actress who i don't know and i don't give a shit in a pretty bad movie but with a great payment, i been drawing a lot, and next week i'll go to the beach with my bitchi friends(i love them), i really need sand, sea, my bikiny, and a lot of beer with my...
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hey! how are you?
nena!!!!!!! hermosa!!! besitos donde quiera que estesssssss
this weekend i travel with my dad for work... i'll never ever do it again... that's wrong, just wrong... i love my dad he's a kind of cool dad, he knows i've a piercing or tattoo 2 years later and just say: what's that?... but he's a pain in the ass before 7 hours with very bad music and a talking about 80's boring stuff......
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wow sounds like fun . . . . . . .
hey everybodye i hope my photoset pleases all of you, it will be upload in may, by the way my english suck so please forgive me i'm terribe, anyway i'm a anime and japanese stuff lover, i'm also a writer and a costumemaker, i'm cinical sometimes and i've not touch to say anything, but i'm always a good nakama!
so nice to meet you all!
so nice to meet you all!

you are sexxxxxyyyyy