I'm going to try something new. Stream of consciousness based on my "faves."
One small creamsicle bounds across the gently blowing blades of grass, meeting the shark infested openings, licking at the closeley quartered loving beehive. Eyes downcast, infinitely huge and brown, searching for any kind of life that may have once been. All the love in the world passed by through what was the most enduring friendship, with no regard for human suffering. Fleeting flapjackery, fowling the air with your nonsensical, unwhimsical, judgemental partitions of greed and loathing. Escape on and up, now come to the front and see what mama has for you. I've made it myself, out of gold and coal black locks of yesterday's escaped convicts from this eternally submissive patch in constant ebb and flow. If only to have yesterday back and again, if only to have what was done be undone, and moving forward on as the same as ever before. Nothing can come back to me, all has past by in this once and ever fleeting inconsequential space of time. Constant flux, believe when I tell you it is not how it was intended to be at the outset.
In what seemed like eons of time space continuum robotics, smiles came to the tundra. Salutations to the moon, orbits in flight. So long since passed, now, so long since a new becoming of what is. Square room becomes circular, jocular in nature. A feast for the eyes as the leopard posterior greets newly acquanited flashes of light from on high. And still the eyes, searching and innocent, but bold and untameable. Gentle cascades of the deepest black coal, rolling on in teasing, fleeing movement.
thats how I see it, anyway.
One small creamsicle bounds across the gently blowing blades of grass, meeting the shark infested openings, licking at the closeley quartered loving beehive. Eyes downcast, infinitely huge and brown, searching for any kind of life that may have once been. All the love in the world passed by through what was the most enduring friendship, with no regard for human suffering. Fleeting flapjackery, fowling the air with your nonsensical, unwhimsical, judgemental partitions of greed and loathing. Escape on and up, now come to the front and see what mama has for you. I've made it myself, out of gold and coal black locks of yesterday's escaped convicts from this eternally submissive patch in constant ebb and flow. If only to have yesterday back and again, if only to have what was done be undone, and moving forward on as the same as ever before. Nothing can come back to me, all has past by in this once and ever fleeting inconsequential space of time. Constant flux, believe when I tell you it is not how it was intended to be at the outset.
In what seemed like eons of time space continuum robotics, smiles came to the tundra. Salutations to the moon, orbits in flight. So long since passed, now, so long since a new becoming of what is. Square room becomes circular, jocular in nature. A feast for the eyes as the leopard posterior greets newly acquanited flashes of light from on high. And still the eyes, searching and innocent, but bold and untameable. Gentle cascades of the deepest black coal, rolling on in teasing, fleeing movement.
thats how I see it, anyway.
I'm not sure if they have anymore, but Days Of Y'Orr were selling them. Remind me tomorrow and I'll try to find the link for you?