Soooooooo ... today was interesting.
I woke up to a really bad stomach ache. I felt like I was going to puke, but trying to force myself to puke wasn't working, so I ended up feeling crappy for most of the day.
However, the worse part about that whole issue was that my dad came home to get me to give him a hand with the scrap metal he was collecting, but since I was feeling so crappy, I said I would rather stay home.
He then proceeded to rant about me not giving a fuck about him, me faking sickness so I cna stay at home and do shit all instead of go out and look for a job, how hard he works and how he just needs a simple hand and finally, how utterly useless I am.
Yes dad ... I chose to feel like crap today just to annoy the hell out of you.
However, the funniest thing happened after he stormed out of the house without me.
I didn't leave the house ... but I did manage to land myself a job!! And as a special bonus, it has shit fuck all to do with retail!!!
I landed a journalism job with UMM magazine. For those of you that have never heard of it (like ... prolly everyone), it is a Canadian magazine on par with Maxim, Stuff and FHM ... only not as popular ... or witty. But hell ... they employ me now, so I should prolly stop the badmouthing.
Anyways - starting in the September issue, yours truly will have a two page music section in the magazine.
So I have just under a month to get in about 1,200 words, including an introduction to the section, an overview of criteria used in reviewing the CD's and a minimum of five (5) CD reviews spanning all major genres of music.
I am quite literally stoked. I never thought I would be writing for a magazine, let alone having my own fucking section!!
Anyways ... on to other things ... my friends list has grown a lot in the last two weeks. No - no one is being cut. I just wanted to overstate the obvious and then say hello to all the wonderful people that have joined my friends list recently.
Really though ... how did I luck out to have soooooooooo many hot girlies on my list? Like - seriously - look at them. They are all gorgeous.
And finally ... some of my favourite pictures from the weekend ... to which I refuse to resize properly to fit in here. If there is shit missing ... go find it in the albums section. LOL
This is Scandaleux. She is not only cute as hell, but she plays to the cameras well. And looking at this now makes me freaking want sushi.
My girlfriend got to do something I've always wanted to do
I meant wear blue ribbons in my hair silly ... not grabbing Hexe's boob.
This drunk guy in the blue shirt seemed to have an instant crush on Aeres. I remember seeing him about to walk by, then his eyes caught her corsetted boobies and he made a b-line right towards her. Swindy and I took turns making sure things didn't get out of control. I believe drunken guy seriously thought he had made new friends.
Despite the fact that she was two people away, fenchurch still looks pretty freaked out by Lucy's evilmonkeyfingerpoint.
Other than like ... sex ... is there any better way to end an evening than a massage train?
There are a lot more pictures posted in the Albums section. If you're smart, you'll be able to figure out where.
I woke up to a really bad stomach ache. I felt like I was going to puke, but trying to force myself to puke wasn't working, so I ended up feeling crappy for most of the day.
However, the worse part about that whole issue was that my dad came home to get me to give him a hand with the scrap metal he was collecting, but since I was feeling so crappy, I said I would rather stay home.
He then proceeded to rant about me not giving a fuck about him, me faking sickness so I cna stay at home and do shit all instead of go out and look for a job, how hard he works and how he just needs a simple hand and finally, how utterly useless I am.
Yes dad ... I chose to feel like crap today just to annoy the hell out of you.
However, the funniest thing happened after he stormed out of the house without me.
I didn't leave the house ... but I did manage to land myself a job!! And as a special bonus, it has shit fuck all to do with retail!!!
I landed a journalism job with UMM magazine. For those of you that have never heard of it (like ... prolly everyone), it is a Canadian magazine on par with Maxim, Stuff and FHM ... only not as popular ... or witty. But hell ... they employ me now, so I should prolly stop the badmouthing.
Anyways - starting in the September issue, yours truly will have a two page music section in the magazine.
So I have just under a month to get in about 1,200 words, including an introduction to the section, an overview of criteria used in reviewing the CD's and a minimum of five (5) CD reviews spanning all major genres of music.
I am quite literally stoked. I never thought I would be writing for a magazine, let alone having my own fucking section!!
Anyways ... on to other things ... my friends list has grown a lot in the last two weeks. No - no one is being cut. I just wanted to overstate the obvious and then say hello to all the wonderful people that have joined my friends list recently.
Really though ... how did I luck out to have soooooooooo many hot girlies on my list? Like - seriously - look at them. They are all gorgeous.
And finally ... some of my favourite pictures from the weekend ... to which I refuse to resize properly to fit in here. If there is shit missing ... go find it in the albums section. LOL
This is Scandaleux. She is not only cute as hell, but she plays to the cameras well. And looking at this now makes me freaking want sushi.

My girlfriend got to do something I've always wanted to do

I meant wear blue ribbons in my hair silly ... not grabbing Hexe's boob.
This drunk guy in the blue shirt seemed to have an instant crush on Aeres. I remember seeing him about to walk by, then his eyes caught her corsetted boobies and he made a b-line right towards her. Swindy and I took turns making sure things didn't get out of control. I believe drunken guy seriously thought he had made new friends.

Despite the fact that she was two people away, fenchurch still looks pretty freaked out by Lucy's evilmonkeyfingerpoint.

Other than like ... sex ... is there any better way to end an evening than a massage train?

There are a lot more pictures posted in the Albums section. If you're smart, you'll be able to figure out where.
...this means I'll know someone famous...woooooooo..hehe
I just had an interview at a tatoo parlor for thr front desk girl..I hoep I get it because I'll be making more money then I do now *I'll work as a baker but onyl two days a week* AND I'll get a discount on my tatoos..AND I get to hang out with my cool new friends at my regualar tatoo shop I have made over the past year! YES!
If I'm in TO, I'll get the boy toy to throw a bbq, just os you can try my salad ..muahaha
PS: your gf's ribbons makes me envious..tell her they rock my socks
p.s. your girlfriend is way lucky. standing that close to hexe.....