So a couple of you noticed .... I went grey yesterday! But in decent time, I was back ... and this time on my own accord.
And soon enough, there will be a big thank you in this space to a special someone. However, after typing for an hour now, I realize that I am no where near done it and I have thigns to do today. So I'll up that once I get it all finished. It'll be a long one though.
Anyways ... you know what I hate? Getting email from people you haven't heard from in a long time and find out that it is just an invitation to join their friends list on Hi5 or some other stupid program.
Like ... fuck ... why not just email me something real instead? If you actually wanna keep in contact with me ... ummm ... contact me. Stupid people.
However, my spam mail has been making me laugh a lot recently.
I especially like the one with the subject matter "MONSTER size your willy" and the one from "Multior Gasms" about "fully pleasuring that spec oo11d"
I just wanna know what a spec oo11d is. And why would I want to fully pleasure it? Would I even want to pleasure it in a lax manner?
A question to all the ladies - do you own a viberator? How many do you own? Did you purchase this yourself?
And one to the guys - have you ever purchased a viberator for a special someone in your life? How did you know what to look for in your purchase?
And no ... I'm not looking to get one for my girlfriend. Two of my friends who are dating got into a huge discussion about this last night and I wanna get some insight into this.
And soon enough, there will be a big thank you in this space to a special someone. However, after typing for an hour now, I realize that I am no where near done it and I have thigns to do today. So I'll up that once I get it all finished. It'll be a long one though.
Anyways ... you know what I hate? Getting email from people you haven't heard from in a long time and find out that it is just an invitation to join their friends list on Hi5 or some other stupid program.
Like ... fuck ... why not just email me something real instead? If you actually wanna keep in contact with me ... ummm ... contact me. Stupid people.
However, my spam mail has been making me laugh a lot recently.
I especially like the one with the subject matter "MONSTER size your willy" and the one from "Multior Gasms" about "fully pleasuring that spec oo11d"
I just wanna know what a spec oo11d is. And why would I want to fully pleasure it? Would I even want to pleasure it in a lax manner?
A question to all the ladies - do you own a viberator? How many do you own? Did you purchase this yourself?
And one to the guys - have you ever purchased a viberator for a special someone in your life? How did you know what to look for in your purchase?
And no ... I'm not looking to get one for my girlfriend. Two of my friends who are dating got into a huge discussion about this last night and I wanna get some insight into this.
I'm kinda with scandaleux on this one... I have owned a couple but got bored of them really fast - I know me better.
One was bought for me, the other two I bought myself. They are a little too "not human" for me to get more than a cheap thrill out of them...

That's a personal choice. I could see going with someone to buy it for them, but not solely picking it out for them.