We went out to Jumpin Janets. It was so much fun. I got a good buzz going. I had to work the next morning at 0600 so not to much to drink. I still had fun. The guys I was with almost got into a bar fight all because of me . Good times good times. It was all over a shirt. I saw a guy with a Treasure Valley Roller girls shirt an I wanted to know where he got it. So some where in the mix of things he thought I was asking for his shirt. NO! So long story short he asked me to take my shirt off. My BF got upset and really protective. It was really sweet. A while later he started to hit on a chick that was with us. She wasn't having it so that turned into a huge ordeal. After everyone was nice and toasted we went to IHOP. Yummy! We ended up not leaving IHOP until like 5 in the morning. So I ended up calling my work told them a white lie and slept in that morning. It was nice.
Not much. Just lounged away the day.
Spent time with my family. They drove in from Blackfoot to see me. It was a lot of fun. They got in around 1:30 pm. We went to Moon's Cafe had some grilled cheese sandwiches and crinkle fries. Very yummy. I know I could have cooked for them but my dad is really allergic to kitties so he can't come in my house. Bummer. So anyways we went to Moons.
It was really yummy. I love gurllled cheese.
So after we walked around down town for a while. We walked by a shoe store that was selling Transformers so I had to go in. I found Blackout so I had no choice but to take him home with me. He was a great addition to my collection.
After my great discovery we went to the park for a little while to relax in the shade. It was fun until the Bee's showed up. Thats about the time we left in a big hurry. So I took them to their Hotel. The stayed next door at the Courtyard by Marriott. As soon as they checked in we went swimming. It was so much fun. My little sister isn't so little any more. She's only 10 and she's already as tall as I am. My step dad is a gigantor. He's so tall. I hung out with my Dezarae (my little sister) and Austin (my little brother). We all swam for a couple hours until I they got hungry. I swear those kids eat all the time. So I marched my little rear home and took a shower. Went back to their hotel and them we went to Pizza Hut right off of University. It was so yummy and full of carbs it was fun.
It was really fun. Around 8:30 PM I picked up my guy from work and we headed over to the House of Rock concert that Vista Pawn was hosting at the Big Easy. It was so much fun. We got VIP bracelets which got us our own private lounge and a kick ass view. After a hand full of So Co and sprite. We headed over to Opa. Now that place was a lot of fun. Every one got shit faced. The bosses picked up just about everyones tab. Mine was only $6.50 or something like that. Not very much at all. Oh we even got a huge as Hookah. It was pretty yummy. During all of this we some how decided that we were going to go swimming. Now that was interesting. It was Ashleigh, Miguel, My guy and myself. We had to hop a fence and jump into a freezing ass pool. I ended up not going to sleep until like 5 o'clock in the morning. It was all worth it.
Woke up at 9 am had breakfast with my family before they left for home. I didn't want them to go but they had to. After we said our see you laters I went back to my place and crashed until 5 in the afternoon. All in all I think I only got around 9 hours of sleep. Pretty good if you ask me.
Went back to work. It was lame I hate working. Got home went to the gym for a few hours and now here I am.
Pretty eventful weekend if you ask me. It was so much fun. I hope you enjoyed reading about it. If you're ever in town and want to hang out just let me know. I'll see what I can swing.
Thank You Come Again
I freakin love grilled cheese. I may go and make some.
Who doesn't love toast!??!?!