I'm getting really stressed about money lately. This divorce is kicking my ass. I agreed to pay $400 a month for 3 years so she wouldn't take any of my retirement for the rest of her life. Pay now, get more later. It's just really stressful on this fixed budget. I'm trying to sell my car(my pride and joy) and am considering taking on a... Read More
I'm noticing a few more of the "hopefuls" here on SG are tattoo-less and sometimes even piercing-less. What gives? Some seem to come from eastern Europe. I thought this site was about "defining a new beauty"? It feels like some use it as a spring-board for a modeling career. I'm not sure how "hopefuls" are chosen, but I think something needs to be corrected in... Read More
Well, I have cooked since 2010. The divorce has caused all kinds of problems, but I finally have the house to myself. Time for some chicken soup. They're predicting some snow tonight. We haven't had any all year it feels like. Kinda sad too, because it always reminds me of home(Upstate NY), and they've been getting tons. Home made chicken soup is gonna be just... Read More
I never really understood that. Why people piss and moan for a divorce and than refuse to leave unless they get this, that, and the other. If you want out, just leave! *hugs*
Saturday night...just woke up from a nap...and don't feel like doing anything tonight. I stayed out all night yesterday and my doggies were so great. No poop or pee when I got home! Now that I'm by myself I wonder if I can give enough time to three dogs, but I love them so much. I couldn't imagine parting with a single one of them.... Read More
I could never give up my pup. I'm so worried about what's going to happen to her/how she's going to act when I find a job. Her whole life someone has been home with her just about 24/7 and now she'll be alone... at least sometimes.
March is almost here, and I cannot wait for Spring. It's been a long hard winter. My 3rd marriage failed, I discovered a lot about myself along the way, and I'm so ready to be the best "healthy" me I can be. I've started dating and I'm still really nervous when going out and starting conversations with new people, but it's been a good experience... Read More
Ever spill your guts in a message and realize you sent it to all instead of that one person? I just confessed my first love to a girl I've known since I was 7. Then realized...I replied to all. Fuck My Life!