what is this place.where am i. i know how i got here. mike told me to become a member. i guess it lessened the guilt for him. he drinks too much. i do too much coke . he lives in guelph that sounds like something that happens after eating mexican and chinese at the same meal. im in nyc we'd be in a lot of drunkn- coked out binges if he lived here or i lived there thats trouble with a capital call the cops on these 2 idiots.id like to visit him in canada ive never been there before but have had opportunities to go what the hell. maybe i will. i invite him down all the time but he complains about $$ i tel;l him all the time whenever im out theres always a girl or 2 thrown into the evening but im ususally to cracked out to talk to them..some of the time that is.
and yes... seaweed kicks all the fucking ass...
*tacoma uber alles*