Not a whole lot going on lately. Job hunting, every tattoo shop in the area I've been to says the same thing, my portfolio is way better than most they've seen and I shouldn't have any trouble getting a job if I can find a shop that is looking to hire someone new. There in lies the problem, every body is slow as hell right...
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oohhhh merry x mas what a nice tattoo
I think of getting more work, but I am unsure
I think of getting more work, but I am unsure
that's ok..I look funny in that magazine..I can't fake smile for shit
thank you...that is one of the nicest compliments I have gotten on Body Language, because the set was more about my sexuality..
yay! it's pretty cool!
I love rose tattoos! I have one too! *-*
I love rose tattoos! I have one too! *-*
Having the worst urge to just chop my hair short lately, though I can't decide how I should cut it?????
I mean this is pretty much the same hair style I've had for better than 10 years now and I think I'm bored with it.
Me too! I'm so sick of my hair, but I'm trying to let it grow, and I know if I cut it, I'm going to regret it. Sucks, I feel ya totally.