It's been a great year so far. Teaching composition as an instructor at a college. Released a single on Bandcamp. Playing shows. Collaborating with other musicians. I have two books worth of poetry cued up and ready to type and edit.
Furthermore, I've been legitimately enjoying being single. It's been almost a year since my divorce, and it has taken me a lot of time to get re-acclimated to being alone. Now that I am, though, it's really terrific. I'm starting to make all of my decisions based on what I think and feel, and how that works within my own personal spiritual/ethical core.
The only thing I really feel is lacking for me is the money. A lot of that is my own fault, as I have debt that was created by my own carelessness. I can't blame anyone for that. But working two low-paying jobs is a silly way to deal with it. I would really like to land one decent paying job and then work extra hard at a second one to pull me out of that old hole. If 2013 was my year of getting over my divorce, maybe 2014 will be my year of getting over my financial issues, and of getting a real job!