how about this fucking economy sucks my ass right now....
this government is a joke, and the next election is a fucking circus........this country is becoming harder to bear by the day.......
the "greatest nation in the world"....MY ASS!.......
sorry just wanted to vent a bit.......this shit needs to change or were all gonna end up going down with the ship....
fuck this country, right in its ass w no lube!
this government is a joke, and the next election is a fucking circus........this country is becoming harder to bear by the day.......
the "greatest nation in the world"....MY ASS!.......
sorry just wanted to vent a bit.......this shit needs to change or were all gonna end up going down with the ship....
fuck this country, right in its ass w no lube!

thats why im voteing for hello kitty.
and that might hurt