So new job is going great. And not just great but I absolutely love it! I am still getting used to the hours but damn if I don't think it is awesome! Everyone is really great and I can edit in peace at night without too many people around. Downside though is that their Avid systems are a little behind the times. I am actually... Read More
Well this weekend was great at first and then somewhat of a bust. And I feel like I totally blew it with this really great girl and that has brought me down. Couldn't sleep last night at all...and now I am back at work working two full time jobs for the rest of this week until I fully move over to my new job. And... Read More
So I start my new job next week. Can't wait. I landed the Assistant Director and lead editor for some programs here in Chicago. Finally I get to move forward instead of just hovering around in the same area. This will however alter my social life, if there was one, some what in that I will primarily be working night 5pm to 1am or later... Read More
Nothing too exciting to report, the weekend was kind of a bust overall but I did get a new air conditioner which is awesome! It makes my place so much more comfortable now. I did get the chance to go out with some friends Saturday night and had a pretty good time, rather low key...unlike Friday, jeez. I didn't need... Read More
So last night was kind of a bust. 4 different bars/clubs and still never met up with who I was supposed to. She kept moving with her friends and I kept getting to each location late. It was like Where in the Fucking World is Carmen Sandiago! Not to mention that other than the first place I went which is just my local watering hole... Read More
Still awaiting one more interview for the new job I am really hoping for. I have already gone in three times and met with one of the owners...Come on guys I am just really hoping that this works out. I know that overall things look pretty good, I just can't stand the I really want to give my 2 weeks as soon as possible... Read More
Wow! It has been some time here...In brief, been very busy. Lot's of new work going on and coming out, see Vimeo for new videos. We have been working with this very talented young singer and performer named Maddi Jane and she has been such a pleasure to work with.
But the BIG news is that I have been aggressively pursued by a TV station/production... Read More
So drunk and tired...ran into some cute girls in my building but missed that opportunity. Why does every interaction seem like either a porno or a romantic comedy? Head in the clouds and feet on the ground at the same time and yet just hopeful for bigger and better things in life, mainly career wise. I know girls will come and go but DAMN I... Read More
I love reconnecting with old friends! It is always such a blast to catch up. Anyways currently watching All the Presidents Men, Dustin Hoffman & Robert Redford. Can't remember if I saw it before but it is a classic. I have been playing catch up on my Netflix cue being I have no TV at the moment. So just relaxing watching movies and catching up... Read More
Winding down from the week or wait...winding up for the weekend? I first have to get through the next two days and then I can decide. No definitive plans for the weekend just yet but looking forward to it. I have been having to reconcile these damn budgets all week, plus edit, plus be on conference calls that seem to take up all of my... Read More