I am still in a large amount of pain from my ears. This morning I had to remove the embedded plug from inside my ear. Luckily though I was able to talk to Matty at a piercing shop out here and he said I can go in there and get myself all fixed up. But then again that will cost me muchos money when Carly said she will give me her old tunnels so I can grade myself up...I'll be smart about it this time.
The beginning of last night was spot on! We went to (we being me and my roomate nate) my friend Chelseys birthday and all the Stutterfly boys and their girls were there and we watched Anna Nicole Smith for a bit and then played Taboo...my god that game is fun. And Nate seriously kicks ass at it. Has no one else ever heard of the book Flowers in the Attic? It seems that people had so much time figuring out the word attic when I was given that one...needless to say it was boys against girls and the girls lost. Namely becuase we make Shannon go up all the time and we are too busy lauging at her to actually figure out what she is saying! So then we were off to the "party" which sucked my ass. I took off to go pick some people up and went to my sisters for a bit...that was decent. Then back to the party and home to bed...that whole sleeping part was the best part of the night.
Now I am at the parents house celebrating my sisters birthday..fun stuff! And I think on Saturday I am going to go to Vernon and get JP to pierce my lip. I think I am holding off on the fangs right now....just going to do one side.
All right...nothing more to say. Hope everyone had a fantastic new years!

The beginning of last night was spot on! We went to (we being me and my roomate nate) my friend Chelseys birthday and all the Stutterfly boys and their girls were there and we watched Anna Nicole Smith for a bit and then played Taboo...my god that game is fun. And Nate seriously kicks ass at it. Has no one else ever heard of the book Flowers in the Attic? It seems that people had so much time figuring out the word attic when I was given that one...needless to say it was boys against girls and the girls lost. Namely becuase we make Shannon go up all the time and we are too busy lauging at her to actually figure out what she is saying! So then we were off to the "party" which sucked my ass. I took off to go pick some people up and went to my sisters for a bit...that was decent. Then back to the party and home to bed...that whole sleeping part was the best part of the night.
Now I am at the parents house celebrating my sisters birthday..fun stuff! And I think on Saturday I am going to go to Vernon and get JP to pierce my lip. I think I am holding off on the fangs right now....just going to do one side.
All right...nothing more to say. Hope everyone had a fantastic new years!

wow i didn't even know you were waiting.
Piercings hurt. But they look cool, so have a good time.