Two more days until d20 and I are headed to Vancouver for the SG Christmas party! How excited am I? Thats right... VERY VERY EXCITED!
Going shopping with d20 tomorrow as we both decided we have absolutely nothing suitable for the event. I suppose when you spend the majority of your time in a house, like the two of us do, you dont realize how little clothes you have. It sucks...but yay for shopping spree!
And on Sunday we get to bring Posh home with us! Yay! I cant's all so exciting! Wooo! And the photoshoot with her will be a blast too....unfortunately my house is not all moved into and I doubt it will be by Saturday, since I work until 6 today and five tomorrow....uck! Oh is good!
Cant wait to meet so many people in Vancouver, Posh, Angelface, Ophelia, Tiamat .......omigod...such good times ahead. Must load up on film. I cant decide if I should bring my shitty but takes decent pics camera or if I should take my big ole camera that takes fantastic pics but sometimes wrecks the film.....oh the choices...
Okay...enough excited babbling from me...back to work now.....Probably wont be updating again until after the weekend!
See some of you soon! (yay

Going shopping with d20 tomorrow as we both decided we have absolutely nothing suitable for the event. I suppose when you spend the majority of your time in a house, like the two of us do, you dont realize how little clothes you have. It sucks...but yay for shopping spree!
And on Sunday we get to bring Posh home with us! Yay! I cant's all so exciting! Wooo! And the photoshoot with her will be a blast too....unfortunately my house is not all moved into and I doubt it will be by Saturday, since I work until 6 today and five tomorrow....uck! Oh is good!
Cant wait to meet so many people in Vancouver, Posh, Angelface, Ophelia, Tiamat .......omigod...such good times ahead. Must load up on film. I cant decide if I should bring my shitty but takes decent pics camera or if I should take my big ole camera that takes fantastic pics but sometimes wrecks the film.....oh the choices...
Okay...enough excited babbling from me...back to work now.....Probably wont be updating again until after the weekend!
See some of you soon! (yay

hey thanks for the referral, see you at the meet.

of course i'd like to hang out! i wish i could come to the van sg party, but i've landed a few shifts at work, and i really am not in a position to turn them down. have loads of fun for me, and we'll get in contact when you get back.