I had some big brilliant thing in my head last night that I should type up, but then I fell asleep and now it is lost and forgotten in my little dream land.
One side of my lip is still numb. I dont know if I should be worried about this. JP is a great piercer and I know he wouldnt fuck up, but still, I have never had a numb lip for three days. Oh well....
Saw an interesting movie last night. It was about Japanese Ninjas and Japanese Vampires...which of course are completely different from European Vampires. I dont know what the movie was called but it was pretty interesting. But I am just a geek like that....I suppose when it comes to movies I am just not a girl. I like the blood and the gore and the fight scenes.....mind you I am also a sucker for an interesting love story!
Meh, now I am just babbling about nothing so I will shut up except to say 25 MORE DAYS!!!!!!
One side of my lip is still numb. I dont know if I should be worried about this. JP is a great piercer and I know he wouldnt fuck up, but still, I have never had a numb lip for three days. Oh well....
Saw an interesting movie last night. It was about Japanese Ninjas and Japanese Vampires...which of course are completely different from European Vampires. I dont know what the movie was called but it was pretty interesting. But I am just a geek like that....I suppose when it comes to movies I am just not a girl. I like the blood and the gore and the fight scenes.....mind you I am also a sucker for an interesting love story!
Meh, now I am just babbling about nothing so I will shut up except to say 25 MORE DAYS!!!!!!

i am going to see Underworld this weekend!
fuck me, i missed you again by like 10 mins going by your post in my journal. this day has sucked.....