Ugh..I feel absolutely horrid today
I want to crawl back into my bed and die
But I'm a good daughter who goes to work even when her father/boss is in bed becuase he is sick too
icky...I hate feeling icky...not a good thing. Maybe I should just go back to bed
icky...I hate feeling icky...not a good thing. Maybe I should just go back to bed
See this here entry.Yeah,this one!
Jett is sooooo beauuuuuuuuutiful and she is coming to visit you.
And she thinks you are so cuuuuuuuuuuuuute or else she wouldn't be coming to visit you.I mean,if you looked like a garden gnome or something I think she would still think you are nice and all,but not too sure she would want to come all the way from Canada (eh!).BUT,you do have a very nice bu cock,so that could also help you out.And come to think of fucked up would it be walk up the driveway of someones house all minding your own business and whatnot and have this garden gnome come out of the bushes and start whacking your leg with his huge bu cock?!
But I digress..just don't be all freaky at Jett if you are thinking that she is telling people that you guys are having hot sex,I mean dating.Its not her.ITS ME.
I mean,comeon..two hot people.One redneck random state.Not much to do but have hot gnome sex.Or at least make out with her you fool.I wish I could.Feh.
Ok,I am getting off topic again.But all I am sayin is,if you don't at least make out with her,then you are an embarassment to all males.Yes indeedy peety.