My nephew said my name for the first time today!
How happy does that make me? Very happy!
I'm back in my recluse phase. I dont know if I like it or not. Maybe it's the fact that I work a monday to friday job. I think this is the first time in my life I have done this. And for a while there I was working two jobs seven days a week. Lately though it seems like I would much rather sit in front of my computer listening to Guns'n Roses and ignoring the world that we like to call reality.
Who knows, maybe I will get over this...maybe in a day, maybe in a month, maybe in a year.
Is this normal? Does anyone else go through this? Or am I in a league of my own right now? Is anyone else out there content with good music and their computer?

I'm back in my recluse phase. I dont know if I like it or not. Maybe it's the fact that I work a monday to friday job. I think this is the first time in my life I have done this. And for a while there I was working two jobs seven days a week. Lately though it seems like I would much rather sit in front of my computer listening to Guns'n Roses and ignoring the world that we like to call reality.
Who knows, maybe I will get over this...maybe in a day, maybe in a month, maybe in a year.
Is this normal? Does anyone else go through this? Or am I in a league of my own right now? Is anyone else out there content with good music and their computer?
then usually followed by a period of extreme extrovertness (new word).
totally normal, it usually means i'm just bored with the real life stimulants/people.
oh and thank you for saying GNR is good music cause well if it isn't then i looked like an ass dancing to it at the bar the other night. well i guess i looked like an ass anywhich way the music was but i don't give a flying fuck.
so wait...tall, likes GNR, tattoos, and damn cute. if you don't stop this i'm going to have to get in my car and head north.