Well it is official. My MSN and AIM are no longer
If you look at the bottom of my little profile number you will see that it is gone.
Myfather let his comuter geek rule him again. My god do I ever hate that guy.
I dont know if I actually want to use the term hate...but man oh man does he ever irk me! He just wont let anyone get a word in and has this greater than thou attitude. It really pisses me off. He thinks that because I am younger than him and my computer friends are younger than him that they must not know what they are talking about. I swear to god one of these days I am going to deck him right in the face
That would make me very very happy
But until then I am an email whore...how ghetto is that?
Oh well, what can you do. There is a plan going into operations right now to try and get me hooked up again...but everyone on my AIM list is gone and I dont know how to get them back even if I do get AIM again...so if anyone can help me out on how to do that...let me know! Becuase I'm thinking it's going to be hard to plan a trip to the US only through email....and I want to swim with WilliamJ and the Manatees dammit
It will be done...oh yes, it will be done!

Myfather let his comuter geek rule him again. My god do I ever hate that guy.

But until then I am an email whore...how ghetto is that?
Oh well, what can you do. There is a plan going into operations right now to try and get me hooked up again...but everyone on my AIM list is gone and I dont know how to get them back even if I do get AIM again...so if anyone can help me out on how to do that...let me know! Becuase I'm thinking it's going to be hard to plan a trip to the US only through email....and I want to swim with WilliamJ and the Manatees dammit

you probally already know this but the contact button under everyones pic will forward a email to them if you need to get in touch with almost anyone at sg. i think i can oly get 9 or 10 days off so burning man is out for me. the manatees do come out at all times but the colder months are like one of their main times for gathering. mapquest said that it is only about a 81/2 hour drive from where i live to get to them. i know on my aim it keeps all of the people names who have sent me a aim even if i have not added them to my friends. it has them under recent buddies.

I'm glad you got your Favorite Photos Gallery to work sweetie and good luck with getting your AIM back,I'm sure it will get worked out.