Woo hoo...pictures are up from the Fetish show! That makes me excited...it makes me even more excited for the next one
The pics arent that great of quality, but what can you do? I mean really? What can you do? haha..sorry...Falzer moment there. He would appreciate that one.
So yes...there are images now of my loverly creations. All four of them (my creations that is
I think I may go crazy in the next little while. Living at my parents house again is really starting to take it's toll on me. And it's only been a week
I dont know how I am giong to survive another few months. My mom has this horrible habit of walking into my room when I am sleeping and waking me up for no apparent reason. This morning she comes in and says "Your going to break your neck sleeping like that"...and then walks out...WTF? And once I am awake...then I am awake. THere is no turning back...made me very angry
But I guess now I am just waking up at regualer person time. Maybe eventually I'll start going to bed at regular person time...HA
SoI think I am going to have to get away for a while...probably within the next couple weeks...after my birthday. Anyone know where I can go that is cheap, relaxing and I will be able to sleep in
Because sleeping in would be good!

So yes...there are images now of my loverly creations. All four of them (my creations that is

I think I may go crazy in the next little while. Living at my parents house again is really starting to take it's toll on me. And it's only been a week

SoI think I am going to have to get away for a while...probably within the next couple weeks...after my birthday. Anyone know where I can go that is cheap, relaxing and I will be able to sleep in

or are you already here?
I would love to come back to Van for a visit sometime soon...unfortunately having two jobs doesnt really allow that kind of freedom....but I'm sure it will happen soon anyway!