Well i got the results back for the set that I submitted and it was turned down. Pretty discouraging being that it was a pretty decent set and all. As soon as the crazies I've been having lately are gone I'll just have to try again. I'll more than likely do that morning set that I was scripting recently, that should turn out good hopefully. I think the flaw that got me turned down was the fact that I wasn't necessarily fully clothed, I guess bra and thongs don't count! All I can do is hope that this next set is successful and that I can find time to get it done really soon, until then i'll just stick to my scripting.
Thanks guys! I really appreciate you guys telling me I have what it takes to be a SG! It really is a big confidence booster! With the set that was turned down I just figure I'll resubmit it after I get a set that is accepted. I'm scripting one right now that id really like to work on. I just assumed that with the last set I did I just kind of blindly jumped into it, it was the first so I wasn't sure of what was going on. The next one will be better!

Sorry to hear about your set, but best of luck with the next one!