dear blog,
sorry for not writing for so long. but everytime i press the new entry button - i just kinda stop.
i'm a douche. sorry. lets be friends again, mmk.
in my life - things are all over the place.
who knew that dating a boy could be so complicated.
one minute - he is fully giving me the signs that he likes me.
next minute - he is being totally emotional unavailable.
so obviously - i'm starting to check out of this a bit.
i mean, dude works opposite schedule to me and everytime i've tried to "make time" to see him - it doesn't work.
fuck that. i wanna be with someone who actually wants to see me. spend time with me.
even if it is just for 15 minutes in the park outside the person's work. so you can look into their eyes. should them that you care. and kiss them.
to me, kissing is so much more sensual than fucking.
of course - i'm always attracted to the emotionally unavailable types. which is fucking stupid - because i know in my heart and mind that i deserve so much better. but alas, i'm retarded.
which leads me to another boy that i've decided to explore.
we went down to the harbourfront together on friday - just met as friends. and it was really casual.
but over the last week or so - we've been flirting with one another. and he gave me his phone number.
told me he wants to take me out to an art exhibit i really wanna see before i go to vegas.
after our hanging at harbourfront - we went for a drink with a couple of his friends (whom we met up with) and then he drove me home.
where we hung out at my place just chatting and getting to know eachother better.
there was a strange tension there - that i guess we'll just have to explore and see what happens. but either way, he seems like a decent guy.
yes - basically i'm being a whore (not literally - ew.) this summer. because i was in a relationship for 4.5 years and now i'm finally free.
what else has been happening? i went to this resto for summerlicious:
so freaking GOOD.
i had a serious case of the itis when i left.
watched an entire season of the following television shows:
oh apple is sending me a brand new macbook because mine is a lemon.
i feel like i'm kinda going through a Quarter Life Crisis of sorts. i totally am going to read the book that they suggested in the article.
i've been addicted to the following:
Gala is in just one week. holy fuck. so excited.
dudes - i acidentally deleted myself out of the Canada East group.
so if you have questions ... feel free to leave it after the tone.
I'm leaving for Vegas in just 1 week tooo.
Life is hectic.

sorry for not writing for so long. but everytime i press the new entry button - i just kinda stop.
i'm a douche. sorry. lets be friends again, mmk.
in my life - things are all over the place.
who knew that dating a boy could be so complicated.
one minute - he is fully giving me the signs that he likes me.
next minute - he is being totally emotional unavailable.
so obviously - i'm starting to check out of this a bit.
i mean, dude works opposite schedule to me and everytime i've tried to "make time" to see him - it doesn't work.
fuck that. i wanna be with someone who actually wants to see me. spend time with me.
even if it is just for 15 minutes in the park outside the person's work. so you can look into their eyes. should them that you care. and kiss them.
to me, kissing is so much more sensual than fucking.
of course - i'm always attracted to the emotionally unavailable types. which is fucking stupid - because i know in my heart and mind that i deserve so much better. but alas, i'm retarded.
which leads me to another boy that i've decided to explore.
we went down to the harbourfront together on friday - just met as friends. and it was really casual.
but over the last week or so - we've been flirting with one another. and he gave me his phone number.
told me he wants to take me out to an art exhibit i really wanna see before i go to vegas.
after our hanging at harbourfront - we went for a drink with a couple of his friends (whom we met up with) and then he drove me home.
where we hung out at my place just chatting and getting to know eachother better.
there was a strange tension there - that i guess we'll just have to explore and see what happens. but either way, he seems like a decent guy.

yes - basically i'm being a whore (not literally - ew.) this summer. because i was in a relationship for 4.5 years and now i'm finally free.
what else has been happening? i went to this resto for summerlicious:

so freaking GOOD.
i had a serious case of the itis when i left.
watched an entire season of the following television shows:

oh apple is sending me a brand new macbook because mine is a lemon.
i feel like i'm kinda going through a Quarter Life Crisis of sorts. i totally am going to read the book that they suggested in the article.
i've been addicted to the following:

Gala is in just one week. holy fuck. so excited.
dudes - i acidentally deleted myself out of the Canada East group.
so if you have questions ... feel free to leave it after the tone.
I'm leaving for Vegas in just 1 week tooo.
Life is hectic.

well i will see u sat hunny!
i cant wait
and ye boys suck. but dont think ur being a whore. haha i myself have always been in long term relationships.. and now im single. and having been 'dating'.. i like it.. but ive realized guys aren't for me.. maybe i just haven't found the one.. but its not going to hurt to go out and meet ppl. and if u dont like them. dont talk to them again. theres plenty of fish in the sea! haha im sure uv heard that one before. but its kinda fun dating too. and being single... i duno
hope ur doing better!
peace &love