holy crap - it's been awhile.
i'm currently watching the Vice Presidental debates on CNN.
Sarah Palin is a fucking idiot.
speaking of debates ...
did anyone else watch the presidential debates last week??
who do you think won?
most polls are saying obama.
and i would tend to agree.
while i didn't watch the entire thing - from what i saw ... mccain was a mess.
he didn't seem to really answer the question. and seemed totally douchey.
but anywhoo -
things have been coming up all AMA lately.
i had a job interview with two government jobs.
and i've been for second interviews for both.
and they have asked for references. so things are looking GOOD.
both jobs pay between $10-20 K more than what i was making at my old job.
so i'm pretty stoked.
so remember that cheque i was talking about a few entries ago..
the one that hadn't been cashed for 15 days ??
well - they FINALLY cashed it on september 19.
20 days AFTER the cheque was suppose to be cashed.
and of course, i didn't have the funds in my account but i do HAVE the funds, period.
cashing cheques almost 20 days AFTER it was suppose to be cashed should be illegal.
went to the santogold concert the other night.
it was good. shes a really good live performer.
sounds exactly like her albums, which is pretty amazing.
she also has a lot of energy on stage.
the tickets were also free. so that was awesome.
and you can read my review here: Santogold @ The Guvernment by Ama Scriver
so regardless of all the promoter mishaps ...
saturday (my bday party) turned out awesome.
i just want to thank all of y'all who did come out and a big thank you to teva & david & tim for spinning.
i had a great birthday and got to see so many of my great friends.
worked 13+ hours on monday.
had my volunteer orientation for all of our nuit blanche volunteers.
we ended up having a bbq.
and i was the chef for the evening. making hamburgers. veggie burgers.
all sorts of stuff.
i had a lot of the marketing committee come up to me tonight and tell me how impressed they were with me and thanking me for all my hard work.
telling me that they are surprised i've been able to get everything done in this short period of time and how well i've handled all the stress.
it feels nice to be recognized.
i just had the most delicious saag paneer roti for lunch from Mother India here in Parkdale.
i'm not even finished the thing and i'm beyond full.
speaking of Parkdale and Roti ...
Bacchus Roti Shop (across from my office) is having a Restaurant Makeover done.
all week i've been seeing Igor, Meredith. Apparently the chef is David Agey (but I haven't seen him).
i'm really excited to see the new shop because Bacchus' has the most AMAZING roti.
- - -
nuit blanche is killing me.
i'm so fucking tired - i want to die.
but you all should come to Parkdale during Nuit Blanche:

i'm currently watching the Vice Presidental debates on CNN.
Sarah Palin is a fucking idiot.
speaking of debates ...
did anyone else watch the presidential debates last week??
who do you think won?
most polls are saying obama.
and i would tend to agree.
while i didn't watch the entire thing - from what i saw ... mccain was a mess.
he didn't seem to really answer the question. and seemed totally douchey.
but anywhoo -
things have been coming up all AMA lately.
i had a job interview with two government jobs.
and i've been for second interviews for both.
and they have asked for references. so things are looking GOOD.
both jobs pay between $10-20 K more than what i was making at my old job.
so i'm pretty stoked.
so remember that cheque i was talking about a few entries ago..
the one that hadn't been cashed for 15 days ??
well - they FINALLY cashed it on september 19.
20 days AFTER the cheque was suppose to be cashed.
and of course, i didn't have the funds in my account but i do HAVE the funds, period.
cashing cheques almost 20 days AFTER it was suppose to be cashed should be illegal.
went to the santogold concert the other night.
it was good. shes a really good live performer.
sounds exactly like her albums, which is pretty amazing.
she also has a lot of energy on stage.
the tickets were also free. so that was awesome.
and you can read my review here: Santogold @ The Guvernment by Ama Scriver
so regardless of all the promoter mishaps ...
saturday (my bday party) turned out awesome.
i just want to thank all of y'all who did come out and a big thank you to teva & david & tim for spinning.
i had a great birthday and got to see so many of my great friends.
worked 13+ hours on monday.
had my volunteer orientation for all of our nuit blanche volunteers.
we ended up having a bbq.
and i was the chef for the evening. making hamburgers. veggie burgers.
all sorts of stuff.
i had a lot of the marketing committee come up to me tonight and tell me how impressed they were with me and thanking me for all my hard work.
telling me that they are surprised i've been able to get everything done in this short period of time and how well i've handled all the stress.
it feels nice to be recognized.
i just had the most delicious saag paneer roti for lunch from Mother India here in Parkdale.
i'm not even finished the thing and i'm beyond full.
speaking of Parkdale and Roti ...
Bacchus Roti Shop (across from my office) is having a Restaurant Makeover done.
all week i've been seeing Igor, Meredith. Apparently the chef is David Agey (but I haven't seen him).
i'm really excited to see the new shop because Bacchus' has the most AMAZING roti.
- - -
nuit blanche is killing me.
i'm so fucking tired - i want to die.
but you all should come to Parkdale during Nuit Blanche:
