thanks to everyone for the congrats on the new job.
i must say that i'm loving it so far.
but i have to remember that the job is not permanent.
so i can't get too comfortable or too in love.
well some of you may have seen my post in the SG Canada East Group ... but i'm having a birthday party and i want YOU to come:
i'm not really that vain.
my friend tim (aka. mffn) designed the flyer and put my face all over it.
but yeah, it would be super awesome if some of you SG folks could come out. <3
i had a crackhead ask me to buy her shoes while doing a site walk through Parkdale the other day.
gotta love parkdale.
while biking home the other day, $20 flew out of this guy's back pocket.
and i stopped and picked it up.
i am now $20 richer.
as he did not stop nor did he notice.
ive got a surprise birthday party for my friend tonight.
im super stoked. it should be fun.
- - -
taa taa.
i must say that i'm loving it so far.
but i have to remember that the job is not permanent.
so i can't get too comfortable or too in love.

well some of you may have seen my post in the SG Canada East Group ... but i'm having a birthday party and i want YOU to come:

i'm not really that vain.
my friend tim (aka. mffn) designed the flyer and put my face all over it.
but yeah, it would be super awesome if some of you SG folks could come out. <3
i had a crackhead ask me to buy her shoes while doing a site walk through Parkdale the other day.
gotta love parkdale.
while biking home the other day, $20 flew out of this guy's back pocket.
and i stopped and picked it up.
i am now $20 richer.
as he did not stop nor did he notice.
ive got a surprise birthday party for my friend tonight.
im super stoked. it should be fun.

- - -
taa taa.

LOL that's pimp!

Exactly. I know that turn-out has been dropping in the past few elections, especially with young people. It disturbs me greatly.