i promise this blog entry will NOT be emo.
i mean, i'm drinking a 40 of heinken.

note - photo is not from right now.
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so, life is kind of on an upswing right now.
i got a call last week for a telephone interview. the next day the e-mailed for an interview.
i got a call from the retail job i interviewed with saying they wanted to discuss salary, which i guess means - i got the job. woohoo. it's full-time. with benefits. and they will pay for half my ttc fare.
so i guess for the interim while it's NOT in my field of PR, it's work.
i mean - let's face it. right now, we're about to go into a recession.
and right now, it's getting harder and harder to get a job.
i don't want to be stuck on government assistance.
so i think taking this job will be good for right now, while i continue my search for a job in my field.
me = much happier. because the joblessness is near.
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my friend julia is coming over tonight.
i think we're going to go to this new lounge / bar / resto that i just started doing some PR / marketing (unpaid) work for. well, it's not quite unpaid. they are paying me in food and drinks. (woo hoo - ama has a new watering hole!!)
it's called Levack Block
we'll see what comes of this.
but more importantly, i'm excited to hang out with Julia. <3
haven't hung out with her in AGES..
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got to do an interview with Girl Talk the other day.

i was super stoked on that.!!
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not much else is going on.
life is just feeling a little bit better.
i have a couple bucks in my pocket (thank GOD)
and i've finally stopped crying.
i mean, i'm drinking a 40 of heinken.

note - photo is not from right now.
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so, life is kind of on an upswing right now.
i got a call last week for a telephone interview. the next day the e-mailed for an interview.
i got a call from the retail job i interviewed with saying they wanted to discuss salary, which i guess means - i got the job. woohoo. it's full-time. with benefits. and they will pay for half my ttc fare.
so i guess for the interim while it's NOT in my field of PR, it's work.
i mean - let's face it. right now, we're about to go into a recession.
and right now, it's getting harder and harder to get a job.
i don't want to be stuck on government assistance.
so i think taking this job will be good for right now, while i continue my search for a job in my field.
me = much happier. because the joblessness is near.
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my friend julia is coming over tonight.
i think we're going to go to this new lounge / bar / resto that i just started doing some PR / marketing (unpaid) work for. well, it's not quite unpaid. they are paying me in food and drinks. (woo hoo - ama has a new watering hole!!)
it's called Levack Block
we'll see what comes of this.
but more importantly, i'm excited to hang out with Julia. <3
haven't hung out with her in AGES..
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got to do an interview with Girl Talk the other day.

i was super stoked on that.!!
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not much else is going on.
life is just feeling a little bit better.
i have a couple bucks in my pocket (thank GOD)
and i've finally stopped crying.
double fist much?