i swears - i lead a ridiculously busy life.
ive got a bunch of events coming up this week.
monday -> hills season finale viewing party with my friends
tuesday -> nxne launch party in the distillery district
wednesday -> extreme fitness launch party
thursday -> nothing
friday -> nothing
saturday -> housewarming party
sunday -> bonde do role show
holy FUCK.
i think i might just take thursday and friday off to relax.
plus, there are so many good concerts coming up soon.
as mentioned i'm going to see ::

Bonde Do Role
but I also wanna see


and tons more.
speaking of which -
i can't stop watching this video.
it's a clip of the ed banger video release party for Justice - Waters of Nazerth.
practically the whole Ed Banger crew played.
plus, DJ Funk.
i nearly peed my pants.
i guess its a big deal to me cos im totes into this scene.
- - -
so my cheque from the labour board came in.
i'm offically $400 richer.
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ive been totally loving riding my bike lately.
its awesome.
riding it in the rain.
riding it at night.
loving it.
- - -
im so stoked on Gala coming up.
and im hoping so many of you that i havent met yet - i will get to meet.
my girl, Kellee is coming to take "officall" photographs.
she did the photos from last year too. woot woot.
i still have to get my dress for this year.
eek. i haven't even THOUGHT about it. fuck.
maybe ill meet a cute boy. or girl?
or both.
either way. totally stoked.
- - -
i've also got DEMF coming up.
detroit rock city.
i wanna meet all you D-Town peeps.
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Check out more of my writing skillz.... at SoundProof Magazine.
The Young Punx album review by Ama
Boys Noize album review by Ama
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here is me before a night out ...

there is me caught in mid dance at fool's gold.
ive got a bunch of events coming up this week.
monday -> hills season finale viewing party with my friends
tuesday -> nxne launch party in the distillery district
wednesday -> extreme fitness launch party
thursday -> nothing
friday -> nothing
saturday -> housewarming party
sunday -> bonde do role show
holy FUCK.
i think i might just take thursday and friday off to relax.
plus, there are so many good concerts coming up soon.
as mentioned i'm going to see ::

Bonde Do Role
but I also wanna see


and tons more.
speaking of which -
i can't stop watching this video.
it's a clip of the ed banger video release party for Justice - Waters of Nazerth.
practically the whole Ed Banger crew played.
plus, DJ Funk.
i nearly peed my pants.
i guess its a big deal to me cos im totes into this scene.
- - -
so my cheque from the labour board came in.
i'm offically $400 richer.
- - -
ive been totally loving riding my bike lately.
its awesome.
riding it in the rain.
riding it at night.
loving it.
- - -
im so stoked on Gala coming up.
and im hoping so many of you that i havent met yet - i will get to meet.
my girl, Kellee is coming to take "officall" photographs.
she did the photos from last year too. woot woot.
i still have to get my dress for this year.
eek. i haven't even THOUGHT about it. fuck.
maybe ill meet a cute boy. or girl?
or both.
either way. totally stoked.
- - -
i've also got DEMF coming up.
detroit rock city.
i wanna meet all you D-Town peeps.
- - -
Check out more of my writing skillz.... at SoundProof Magazine.
The Young Punx album review by Ama
Boys Noize album review by Ama
- - -

here is me before a night out ...

there is me caught in mid dance at fool's gold.
I use to hate MIA cuz a roommate of mine would play her nonstop and I found it super annoying but she grew on me, lol. That should be an awesome show. I was at the MTV Live concerts on Thursday to see Sam Roberts (left before Panic at the Disco started). It was an incredible show and FREE FOOD AND DRINKS LMAO
At least you have fun stuff to do. My life is just work and, well, work. And I'm getting tired of my job. I need a really good paying job but I'm afraid i'm not qualified for anything. LE SIGH.