i'm so sorry it's been forever.
but hey, that's the life.
esp. when you work in PR!
kellee came over the other night.
we drank and then went to dance cave.
i haven't been there since - omg a long time.
and everytime was with peter.
we would always end up fighting - which was a big reason why i stopped going there.
anyways - when kellee and i went, i had a blast.
i didnt even spend that much money too.
towards the end of the night... i saw aaron - my ex boyfriend from grade eight.
and we ended up talking for the rest of the night.
its so wierd. we were sharing stories about when we were young and how we were SO in love. hahaha.
i didnt end up getting home til 3.30am.

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So my friend Lauren and I both are having issues with our Sony digital camera.
The button just popped off mine for no reason.
Anyways, Lauren gave me a phone number to contact about taking the camera to a service centre. So I had a spare moment this morning and decided to call.
Sure enough, it's a fucking PHONE SEX LINE!
Bwhaha. And I fucking called from work. Brutal!
Wanna listen to how hot your pussy is??
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So I have had two job interviews thus far.
One good - and one not so good.
To read more, click the spoiler - cos it's long and ish.
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They are called Woodhands.
so the woodhands cd release last night was FUCKING INCREDIBLE.
i got to be involved with some of their promo shots.
which was pretty cool.
then saw one of my photographers from soundproof there.
i'm so happy i didnt miss that show. because it was so good.
i got messaged by scott (one of the owners) of soundproof today saying that the writer didnt show up to the woodhands show and if i could review it.
so read my FULL REVIEW of the show here::
Woodhands by Ama!!
Since I'm also so in love with my music ... I also got to review the Rye Rye show.
For those not familar, she's on the Mad Decent label.
My review is also up on the SoundProof website here ::
Rye Rye Review by Ama
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going to this tomorrow.
i also won tickets for this and have media passes.
i clearly win at life!
oh i forgot to mention.
my best friend is coming to visit me.
and we're going to this together.
i miss my best friend kellan.
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ast night was AWESOME.
sometimes i really love being in PR.
and those random little perks i have.
i went to the restaurant launch of this amazing little Indian food restaurant called Chakra.
so the free booze was FLOWING last night.
and in a matter of hmm an hour, possibly two hours ... i was pretty drunk.
the food was AMAZING.
everything was really well cooked. not too spicy.
just cooked to perfection.
and altho they were SLAMMED (it was packed - probably over capacity at one point) - they kept getting food out quickly and the servers were really good.
jenn (my co-worker) and i met this cute hipster couple that we bonded with for the night. making fun of all the uptown fakes.
it was so much fun!!
it the process handed out a few business cards.
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So I obvs talked about the Junction BIA interview.
On Tuesday I had my Luminato Meet and Greet.
I saw this girl there, Lindsay - who looked familar. I didn't know where from.
So I went up to her and said, I hope this doesn't sound totally creepy but you look familar. And she said: "Well I'm in the Junction alot." I started laughing. I said, "I just had an interview there Friday." She asked where abouts. I told her, "Oh at the Junction BIA." And she looked shocked. She said, "I work in that office but I wasn't there on Friday!" It was hilarious. So we start talking and I'm like, "Well I didn't get the job but they offered to put my resume in for a job with the Junction Arts Festival." So she looks at me and she's like "Yea, that's MY job. I quit." OMG!!! wow For the rest of the evening, we were BFF! She told me all the nasty about the Junction BIA / Junction Arts Festival. Plus, she told me the rest of the interviews that day were a shit show. Apparently there were really rude to everyone and it was wh0re-anus! We added eachother on Facebook and we're obviously gunna see more of eachother considering we're working Luminato together. HAHWHAHA. Small world, huh??
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Anyways, thats' your Ama update.
Loves and Kisses!