it's seriously been a long time.
and i'm sorry for lacking on the entries.
but im rarely ever home.
so... forgiveness please.
i'm gunna do some quick point form.
-> got my hair re-did my the lovely Rhiannon.
-> got all caught up on seasons 1-2-3 of

-> got caught up on my movie watching ... watched

and tonight i'm going to see a sneak peek of

->one of my best friends glynis moved back to vancouver today.

this is the total sad.
->so i've lost close to 40 pounds now. and i can now fit into the jeans i couldn't fit into 1 yr ago. woohoo! this is so totally awesome. i'm so getting the old ama back!
-> so this is a work related thing which sucks.

->so my stepdad and i started doing my taxes
and unless we fucked up somewhere
apparently i owe the government $140.
-> random phone calls and invitations to evil dead: musical on a tuesday night aren't half bad.
thanks Tekky
i was covered literally head to toe in blood.
my glasses completely covered.
they added all new blood spatter sections.
i won't say exactly WHAT ... but let's just say that even WITH a poncho .. you'll get drenched.
hung out with tekky and the cast afterwards for a bit.
->got my court date with jp in the mail.
april 21st.
maybe he'll settle out of court before then.
he did with miranda (the other girl who took him to the labour board).
then again, i am asking for close to $1,000 and she was asking for a couple hundred.
something tells me he's gunna fight it
- - - - -
me and my best friend, kellan.
me protecting jes under my "umbrella"
this is me practising my "couture" pose. taught by antm and benni ninja!
byeeee. <3
let's party like rockstars.