well, it's been a crazy busy week. rather hetic. but it's been good.
it's almost wednesday, which means i get weighed again.
i'm very excited but i feel like i've had a harder week.
just with halloween and everything.
i think i made it through unscathed.
i mean, i hardly ate any halloween candy. that takes dedication.
halloween candy is so delicious and tempting. sometimes it's hard to pass up.
regardless, i can't wait.!
in random lulz, Tekky posted this SNL Digital short before and i love it.
so much so, i forwarded it to a bunch of people at work.
and now i'm going to share it all with you.
i swear, i have the best job ever.
well, not job. but i work for the best company ever.
just recently, i got approved to work 8am-4pm on wednesday so i can attend my weight watchers meetings.
then on halloween at work, we had a huge potluck and carved pumpkins to put outside.
check some of the photos below:
some might say we like to party. we also like to have fun.
because as they say: all work and no play makes ama a dull girl.!
speaking of halloween.... went to grill-o-ween with all you SG peeps.
it was the most fun ever...
i have to say, we had a pretty good turnout. i think it was 10 people?
not bad. considering how SG Canada East meets usually turn out.
our next event is on November 19th... .so i'm hoping some more of you people turn up.
it's for Shirley's Dirty Bingo!
now i found out some amazing news this week.
that some of you on here will probably make fun of me for.
i fucking love those broads. geri was always my favourite and i can't believe i got tickets.
well actually, my friend had an extra ticket and she offered it to me.
woot woot!
Oh, back to SG Canada East group events....
For all those wanting to know about Gala 2008... .well, it looks as tho we may have found our venue.
we're just waiting to get back some certain details.
but we should have announcement about the date and venue in the next few weeks.
I'm also goign to need the help of all you out there announcing it into the different regional groups.
Cereal_Killer used to take care of that for me all the time and now he's gone
so all the help we can get will help!
well - this is more to update.
but i'm lazy and don't feel like it.
so toodles.
I hope to see you at Shirley's bingo
And I'd love to have you over to play with darwin soon, hes sooooo big now, so soft and affectionate.