Today wasnt a good day for me...but it was somewhat enlightening. it was the perfect morning to sleep in: heavy rain outside w/ the traffic driving in it making white noise. a cool humid breeze drifting in my window. perfect sleeping weather....shattered by the blaring of my cell phone as i got called into my ass got dragged out of bed to work until 330....wasnt a very happy camper needless to say. but there was one moment where i had to pause and kinda be thankful of life. as i was drawing up an order for chemotherapy (i work in a hospital pharmacy) i looked at the birthdate of the patient. it was a one year old baby who was dying of cancer. even if it somehow survived, it would most likely die from under development or be sterile from birth, as some chemotherapy is a neuro toxin, others kill off the immune system and any rapidly dividing cells .....then i couldnt help but think what the parents must be going through right would almost be better to let go when u are in a position like yeah, i was both crabby and depressed after that, but it did make me more thankful to be alive......ANYWAY
sorry to depress all you people who came to read this. it was just a moment to make me pause. but since i want to watch a movie and smoke a bowl before bed, i'm off! any one up for trading massages? i could sure use one myself.
sorry to depress all you people who came to read this. it was just a moment to make me pause. but since i want to watch a movie and smoke a bowl before bed, i'm off! any one up for trading massages? i could sure use one myself.
boring useless sundays rock! and i'm even at work right now. i could use something to do though.
Thanks for the invite on the dumplings. Sorry I had to be back to work so soon.