well, after enjoying a VERY nice four day weekend, it is once again time to join the workforce. get to work straight through sunday, but they are all second shift shifts, so it's not too bad. better than workin mornings.....
it's amazing how fast the days go when you just piss them away, sleeping till two (after stayin up till four), watchin movies, putzin around on here and the like. i think my most productive feats were to finally get some laundry done and go food shopping. but i dont really care, you need to take it easy for a while if you want to stay sane after working at my place. otherwise asshole bosses and nurses will start to get to ya.
anyway, prolly the last journal entry for a while. i'll be on only later at night for about 5 days. leave me some lovin to cheer me up after long days at work
it's amazing how fast the days go when you just piss them away, sleeping till two (after stayin up till four), watchin movies, putzin around on here and the like. i think my most productive feats were to finally get some laundry done and go food shopping. but i dont really care, you need to take it easy for a while if you want to stay sane after working at my place. otherwise asshole bosses and nurses will start to get to ya.
anyway, prolly the last journal entry for a while. i'll be on only later at night for about 5 days. leave me some lovin to cheer me up after long days at work

OK, do please add me. 

I agree with BGIMM!! HOT AS HELL you are!