Last night was not a night of good tidings. I decided to go with my sister to my mom's in Wisconsin. As we got about 5 miles from her house, we were coming around a corner. We hit a patch of ice and since it was also slushy out we started to fishtail. I almost pulled out of it but I hit another patch and my car ended up turning backwards, going across the other lane, all the way across the ditch and my front right wheel dropped off the ledge of a 10 foot drop into a small river. As we were in the convertible, had we gone another foot we'd have gone over the edge, and quite possibly have died. I stayed at my mom's last night, and finally got home today at about 9 pm. I don't think I've ever been so happy to be home in my life.
I go between being very happy, and utterly depressed. I always try to look at the good shit in life, but then I come home and Jason is sad about something and it just brings me down. I don't know how much longer I can take it. I try to work through it and say that it will get better, but I just don't know anymore.
I get to start working at the greenhouse again soon. Between that and Shieks, I won't be getting much sleep, but I'll be making a bunch of money. Lord knows I could use that.
And with that, I'm spent. I know it isn't much, but I haven't anything else to say. I'll talk to you later my lovelies.
I go between being very happy, and utterly depressed. I always try to look at the good shit in life, but then I come home and Jason is sad about something and it just brings me down. I don't know how much longer I can take it. I try to work through it and say that it will get better, but I just don't know anymore.
I get to start working at the greenhouse again soon. Between that and Shieks, I won't be getting much sleep, but I'll be making a bunch of money. Lord knows I could use that.
And with that, I'm spent. I know it isn't much, but I haven't anything else to say. I'll talk to you later my lovelies.
I was coming home from a co-ed babyshower. (kegs were involved) I was a little tipsy, but more tired than anything. driving on a curvy road while it was raining. eyes got really heavy while hitting a turn and didn't turn enough. ended up going over the side of an embankment about 25 ft. luckily nothing happened to me or the car. but had to wait for a passer by to take me to a phone so I could call my roommate. I was going to say that someone stole my car that night so I wouldn't have to deal with the cops on account of my drinking. But a sheriff showed up before my roommate did. He asked if I had been drinking. I said yes but about 4 hours ago and I only had a couple. (needless to say the accident sobered me up really quick.) He smelled my breath and everything, but I think he just let me go cause nothing happened.
Anyway the towtruck came by and pulled me out. Had him take the car home and I drove with my roommate back to the house. All and all, I was safe, the car was ok, and I didn't get arrested!
I drove by that same corner a couple months after and they put up a guard rail. Complete with fresh paint from cars that have hit it numerous times.