Well, its official, I start on tuesday. START RAKIN IN THE DOUGH MWAHHHHHHHHH HA HA HA HAAAAAAAA. Then you guys will be poor, and my sister and I will be "blingin'", which she informed me meant rich or something, I don't know. Anyway, I don't think it'll be so bad.
I used to hate tequila, now I don't. Actually, I think I just hate taking shots, but now I'm okay with it.
ASS RAPING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One of the ponies at the farm almost died last night. I guess horses die of constipation. They need malox or whatever. Mix it up with their oats and grains.
I have been having really fucked up dreams for the past few years. Every night its at least 2 new weird dreams. I think my mind is trying to make up for how excrutiatingly boring my life actually is.
I'm wearing a skirt tonight. It's a new approach to my life, that I can be pretty and not have to be a sissy because of it. Lets face it, I can still kick ass with the best of them while wearing a skirt. I'LL CUT YOU DEEP!!!!!
I miss my kitties. I haven't been to the farm in weeks. I hear they're getting really big. I want to bring my kitty Hannity home with me, but I don't feel like paying 500 until she gets her ass a job and pays rent. I might just try to sneak her in, I'm sure they won't even notice.
I hate reality shows. And people who try to be extremely motivating. And people who try to tell me my opinion. In my extremely short job I just finished, my computer was across from a guy who did exactly that. I wanted to punch him in the face, I even drew a picture of me doing it and showed it to my friend. Then we wrote captions. I wonder why I got fired, ha ha. Actually it was incredibly boring and they overhired and laid off about 50 people. Crappy.
I really love singing. I wish I could sing in a band, but eh, I don't think I've got the motivation. Or maybe I'm just a pussy and would rather not put myself out there at much. And maybe I should shut up and just live my life and not care about peoples opinions because it really doesn't matter.
Who is John Galt...
I haven't had a long journal entry in quite a long time, so I figured it was over due.
I would come to more events, but frankly, I'm a bit shy, and while I try to overcome it, I hate those instances where I stand amidst the people I sort of know, but no ones talking to me, so usually I just chill and sit in my own little world.
I think there is a certain virtue to selfishness. I don't understand why it is deemed unacceptable, or taboo. If you look at animals, they do what they do to keep their existance going. I don't think it's bad that humans do the same. I don't think I'm a bitch for not donating money to tsunami victims, as I don't think I'm a bitch for wanting to keep my money instead of wasting it on welfare systems that don't work. I earn my money, I should get to keep it. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. That is all.
Well, I think I've had enough for the time being, and I'll talk to you all later. LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MP (as it has been so elequently put by Neo)
I used to hate tequila, now I don't. Actually, I think I just hate taking shots, but now I'm okay with it.
ASS RAPING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One of the ponies at the farm almost died last night. I guess horses die of constipation. They need malox or whatever. Mix it up with their oats and grains.
I have been having really fucked up dreams for the past few years. Every night its at least 2 new weird dreams. I think my mind is trying to make up for how excrutiatingly boring my life actually is.
I'm wearing a skirt tonight. It's a new approach to my life, that I can be pretty and not have to be a sissy because of it. Lets face it, I can still kick ass with the best of them while wearing a skirt. I'LL CUT YOU DEEP!!!!!
I miss my kitties. I haven't been to the farm in weeks. I hear they're getting really big. I want to bring my kitty Hannity home with me, but I don't feel like paying 500 until she gets her ass a job and pays rent. I might just try to sneak her in, I'm sure they won't even notice.
I hate reality shows. And people who try to be extremely motivating. And people who try to tell me my opinion. In my extremely short job I just finished, my computer was across from a guy who did exactly that. I wanted to punch him in the face, I even drew a picture of me doing it and showed it to my friend. Then we wrote captions. I wonder why I got fired, ha ha. Actually it was incredibly boring and they overhired and laid off about 50 people. Crappy.
I really love singing. I wish I could sing in a band, but eh, I don't think I've got the motivation. Or maybe I'm just a pussy and would rather not put myself out there at much. And maybe I should shut up and just live my life and not care about peoples opinions because it really doesn't matter.
Who is John Galt...
I haven't had a long journal entry in quite a long time, so I figured it was over due.
I would come to more events, but frankly, I'm a bit shy, and while I try to overcome it, I hate those instances where I stand amidst the people I sort of know, but no ones talking to me, so usually I just chill and sit in my own little world.
I think there is a certain virtue to selfishness. I don't understand why it is deemed unacceptable, or taboo. If you look at animals, they do what they do to keep their existance going. I don't think it's bad that humans do the same. I don't think I'm a bitch for not donating money to tsunami victims, as I don't think I'm a bitch for wanting to keep my money instead of wasting it on welfare systems that don't work. I earn my money, I should get to keep it. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. That is all.
Well, I think I've had enough for the time being, and I'll talk to you all later. LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MP (as it has been so elequently put by Neo)
so you've lived on a farm? sounds fun.
and like hemingway, too.