A poem I left in Wolfmoons journal comment page... Poor guy... You'l be missed...

An Army Of One/Million

When the war is over
And the tanks roll in
The guns layed to rest
And the bombs disarmed
The dead will come home
The downtrodin will have served

Mothers, Fathers
Brothers, Sisters
Lovers, and friends
The ones who waited
Will have shed their tears

No matter...
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The Nails Dig In

As abandoned as this house is
It still breaths; it's rancid heart still beats
Water spots, swollen wood, crumbling walls
The only light; windows encrusted with filth

Hate still lingers here
The inhabitents; wretched as they were
Sadistic, dysfunctional, filled with greed
Their stink; soaked into the framework

Rusting nails protrude
Many have tried; Few have succeeded
Boarded windows, padlocks, chained...
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I'm just gonna post poems I've written here for now... Maybe I'l think of some other stuff too.. But yeah, whatever...

Of Red And Blue

In my bedroom window I saw it through
A stars faintest fluresnet glow
Dedicated solely to me and you

I watched it's path across the sky
A shining testament of love
Untill the day we die

The dawn breaks over...
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