The last vestiges of my disease and distemper cling to me like the stench of a dragon's musty bowels.
Yet I press on. Would the gods would silence the curse of my thunderous sneezing! I am persecuted by vicious coughs. I wish I could take vengeance on my own head without hurting myself.
I have taken up the study of languages in my convalesance, which of course involves doing everything I do when I not sick, just sick this time. Yuck.
Anyway, I found some inexpensive language books and will brush up on my French while learning Arabic, Spanish, Russian, Latin and Italian. Someday I will learn German and Irish Gaelic. Those materials were more expensive for some reason.
I am Exhausto the Clown.
I want some tea now. Tea with sugar, lemon and rum.
I also found a dictionary of Polish obscenities. Sadly, the tome does not explain how to pronounce these gems, but the translations are priceless.
Some examples:
"Cock with sidewhiskers"
"I told you not to shit in your leggings"
"A naked man has only his soul and his weenie."
"prostitute at the seaside"
"Serve your master well, and he'll fart for you in return."
"My oxen shit in the lowlands."
That is all for now!
Yet I press on. Would the gods would silence the curse of my thunderous sneezing! I am persecuted by vicious coughs. I wish I could take vengeance on my own head without hurting myself.
I have taken up the study of languages in my convalesance, which of course involves doing everything I do when I not sick, just sick this time. Yuck.
Anyway, I found some inexpensive language books and will brush up on my French while learning Arabic, Spanish, Russian, Latin and Italian. Someday I will learn German and Irish Gaelic. Those materials were more expensive for some reason.
I am Exhausto the Clown.
I want some tea now. Tea with sugar, lemon and rum.
I also found a dictionary of Polish obscenities. Sadly, the tome does not explain how to pronounce these gems, but the translations are priceless.
Some examples:
"Cock with sidewhiskers"
"I told you not to shit in your leggings"
"A naked man has only his soul and his weenie."
"prostitute at the seaside"
"Serve your master well, and he'll fart for you in return."
"My oxen shit in the lowlands."
That is all for now!

I hope you feel better soon!