its wednesday ( had to look up the sp cause i always just do weds.)...and hot as hell. this is where wearing only pants 90 % of the time has its draw backs, that and my shoes are not in boston with me so ive been sporting the combat boots full time...the army should look into air holes
any way, did a little drinking last night, good times, and tonight im supposed to go out again with some other am i glad i dont get hangovers...altho it is expensive still
thanks for the responses to the previous q's, some funny stuff in there, keep 'em coming
1. hot or cold? very cold, i like jackets
2. preferred manner of dimise? and the worst way to go? freak accident skydiving / hmm....crucifiction
later all

thanks for the responses to the previous q's, some funny stuff in there, keep 'em coming
1. hot or cold? very cold, i like jackets
2. preferred manner of dimise? and the worst way to go? freak accident skydiving / hmm....crucifiction
later all

2. best way to die- I wouldn't mind be fucked to death by a roomful of hot pornstars ;D ... worst way- being fucked to death by a roomful of GAY pornstars
2.01) Hitler scenerio.
2.02) The infinite vacuum of outer-space.