I woke up late today which meant I had to get to work late. Once I get there I was told that everyone that was scheduled past 2 had to actually leave at 2. I lost like 5 hours because of that and it sucks ass.

I got to go to a Reds game tonight and I don't think I've been to a game in...
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"you like that daddy?" lmao You are so damn cute! Did he hear you?

Why didn't you come and see me at work?! The store is like a 10 minute walk from the red's stadium. frown lol
I had the biggest breakdown ever last night and I hate crying in front of people. A little backstory to explain. My best friend of 15 years Donnie died in a car wreck 3 years ago. I talk to this girl every now and again on AIM that I went to highschool with. She has this air of drama around her but I am usually...
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what you doin thursday night? there is an SG Cincy/Dayton party in cbus that dave and i are thinkin about going to and if you would like to go you are more than welcome. lemme know girlie.
I love you Vicki!

Okay I am sure today has been the best day ever!!! I will tell you why.

I went and had an awesome Veggie Sub but before that I had an Icee!!!
I left there and went to a natural food store and I found Vegan Cheese, Soap, Mushroom Soup and a Dairy Free Fudgesicle.
I went to the Half Price Bookstore...
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I love you too Brandy.

Your day rocked! I'm so jealous!
Hell fucking yes they added more episodes of Dexter on Showtime. I love this show and am now officially hooked on it. I hope the new season starts soon. I am now on episode 10 of 12. Dexter is pretty hot too and I normally don't go for pretty boys. Is he a pretty boy though?
Do yourselves a favor and if you have Showtime...
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So apparently I am super clumsy now. Within the past two days I have managed to hit my finger on a metal bedpost that instantly popped a blood vessel I can only assume, cut my finger with a pair of scissors at work, hit the side of my arm on the edge of a glass table, have my foot go completely through a wooden plank...
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Damn! I thought I was injury prone.

Salads are good. wink
Not to be vain but my hair looks really good today. I'm talking so good that I keep looking at myself in the mirror and making silly faces and shit.

So it's day 6 of me being Vegan and it's not that bad at all. I've been trying new things lately and we went to Skyline today. I decided to get the black beans and...
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My allergies are kicking my butt! I ended up buying some kroger brand pills and took them and they knocked me out. I had horrible dreams though and woke up feeling drunk. I wanted to hold off on them today but knew I had to take them. I took them and I seriously couldn't function and had to lay down as soon as I got...
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We made it official that I am going to continue staying with my cousin and her family instead of moving back in with my aunt. I still need to get all my shit though. My aunt and mom were both trying to make me feel guilty over it but I wasn't having it. The truth is I haven't lived with my parents in over 4...
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Congratulations on the lengthy elliptical use. I'm working up to running for longer on my treadmill. 20 minutes of speed walking and running is about all I can do right now. I need an elliptical. They're so much better than treadmills (and less noisy).

I like shopping and spending my own money on cool things... but not feeling broke. I guess I should be lucky I recently became single because now I'm not spending nearly as much money on things. The less I go out and see things I want the less I spend.

Rock on!
Let's see I can't believe how much people spend at Old Navy and think about it like it's nothing. People spend more than half of what my checks are sometimes.

I got to see my nephew Aiden last night and I couldn't stop kissing him. He is seriously the most awesome boy ever.

I can't wait to wear my dress tomorrow.

I'm trying to cutdown...
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tea has caffine so if you drink it instead of pop you won't get the headaches. and you should see how much people spend on porn sometimes. it's mind boggling.
I wish I could drop that kinda cash on any of my addictions... then I'd be broke. Oh well. It is amazing how many people drop hundreds every week at Borders on whatever the hell... Where do they get this money to be rich regulars? I need to get jobs with these people, seriously!

I get headaches from pop if I drink a bunch a few days in a row and then quit. I'm not a big pop drinker though. I drink tea like it's going to run out. Tea is the shiznit. Sweet tea rocks, too!

Guitar Hero is mucho fun too!
Yesterday I danced to Death From Above 1979 with my little cousin.

I'm so beat right now and feel like crashing but no I won't do that. I will end up fighting it and stay up all night long. I don't know why I won't just try and get sleep.

I had work and it was the slowest five hours of work ever. The fitting...
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Will you actually use the pockets to hold stuff or are they just for looking cute?
That happens to me at work all the time, too. I don't change my hair color or anything often, but half the time I won't do anything and people will think it's darker or lighter or whatever. Hell, half the time people think I got more earrings and I've had 6 for about 10 years now. My family still asks if I got more than whenever they saw me last. Craziness.
So, I went to Skyline today and as I'm eating I think to myself that it tasted dirty but didn't feel like bringing it up and I thought perhaps it was my imagination. I have these weird things like I can taste a difference in certain bottled water. I can seriously taste the plastic from the bottle or the metals. It tastes like someone dropped...
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stick isn't hard....but learn in an automatic!!

I was taught how to drive in a stick shift. One of dad's lame ass rules.

I think i buy chapstick twice a week. i never finish one, i wash them or lose them entirely too quickly!
you're welcome smile

I learned on a stick and then one day I had to drive an automatic and it blew my mind. it was a truck and the brakes were touchy, so that proibably had more to do with it than the transmission, so yeah. I think you should learn on a stick, then you wont have to learn twice.
Oh I have this thing for Zombies... zombie love is where it's at! I guess in a sense they can be scary or whatever but i find them exciting. I want to dress up like one but I can be weird. I want to see The Hills Have Eyes 2. It was on TV the other night but I missed it. The remake is coming...
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Sounds like a very fulfilling day...........Hope your doing well.. smile