Bad news folks... Although the bank were quite willing to give me a business loan, the enterprise agency weren't able to provide me with the contribution towards it
There're still other forms of funding I can try, so all's not lost just yet.
The stupid thing is my Dr's've signed me off work for another year, which means I'll get my rent and living expences paid for, which is good, but, it means I won't have any money to put asside to save towards the loan, which is bad...
I could always find something part time, but the only real vacany locally is cold calling people and trying to get them to buy new UPVC windows... I did an afternoon of that once, and swore never again... Something else will turn up though, because although it would be nice to have money coming in to put to one side, I'm not prepared to do that kind of thankless work when there've got to be other alternatives available. Oh well..
Other than that, everything's fine, so I know things'll work out in the end, they always do

The stupid thing is my Dr's've signed me off work for another year, which means I'll get my rent and living expences paid for, which is good, but, it means I won't have any money to put asside to save towards the loan, which is bad...
I could always find something part time, but the only real vacany locally is cold calling people and trying to get them to buy new UPVC windows... I did an afternoon of that once, and swore never again... Something else will turn up though, because although it would be nice to have money coming in to put to one side, I'm not prepared to do that kind of thankless work when there've got to be other alternatives available. Oh well..
Other than that, everything's fine, so I know things'll work out in the end, they always do

Good luck.