Damn it's good to be back
Thanks to Tobie for the gift membership
I was starting to go 'lurk crazy' not being able to update or post or anything, damn my credit card for having no money...
Soo, what's been happening since I last updated? Well, as you can see from the new pic, I don't exactly look like James Marsters anymore... If I can get my hair to regrow properly, I'll regrow it (I don't feel like myself anymore) but if not, then I'll just have to try and get used to the feeling of the wind and rain on my scalp...
As some of you may remember, I was entering some paintings in a local competition/exhibition (they're under my paintings folder) and one was accepted (Night Fall II), although I thought it was the worst of the ones I submitted with it (Damask Rose and The Book) but I guess that's the subjective nature of art... All in all, things are pretty good at the moment, although money is still tight, I'm really hoping to hear about my business loans soon (they wanted to see more research material) so fingers crossed. I've also designed Emily's wedding dress, and I'll post a pic of that as soon as I can scan it in
Damn, it's good to be back

Soo, what's been happening since I last updated? Well, as you can see from the new pic, I don't exactly look like James Marsters anymore... If I can get my hair to regrow properly, I'll regrow it (I don't feel like myself anymore) but if not, then I'll just have to try and get used to the feeling of the wind and rain on my scalp...

Damn, it's good to be back

I never really go unbusy, actually. I should, I know, but I never think of it. I'm actually here in front of my computer most of the time though, seeing as how it's where all my study/work/play happens when I'm at home. 

My voice is waaay overly girly!