I haven't a whole bunch to say, but figured it was time for an update...
Other than a few financial worries, life is treating me well at the moment. There's a possibility Emily and I will be able to buy our flat (but probably not for a while) and when that happens, the redecoration will begin
My business plans are, not only making sense to the people reading them, but on a series of recent business seminars, I was able to see flaws in other people's plans, so I definitely think I'm getting to grips with things. The only thing I really have to do now, is find out how much I'm going to have to be paying for insurance...
If all goes well and I get the loans I need, I will not only be able to set up my business, but I may be able to get my dream car (Dodge Viper, for those who've forgotten) and write it off as a business expence. (This depends if the car is sold today or not...)
Art-wise, I've been working on quite a few canvasses for the flat, mainly abstract (like the one under my pics) but some have been recreations of the Rockstar and GTA logos. They brighten the place up and make it feel more like home
I'm about to try and make Emily a hand fan out of glass (might not work, but I'm going to try) If it works, I'll post some pics when I'm able to 
Other than a few financial worries, life is treating me well at the moment. There's a possibility Emily and I will be able to buy our flat (but probably not for a while) and when that happens, the redecoration will begin

If all goes well and I get the loans I need, I will not only be able to set up my business, but I may be able to get my dream car (Dodge Viper, for those who've forgotten) and write it off as a business expence. (This depends if the car is sold today or not...)
Art-wise, I've been working on quite a few canvasses for the flat, mainly abstract (like the one under my pics) but some have been recreations of the Rockstar and GTA logos. They brighten the place up and make it feel more like home

Its lovely.
I hope you got home ok..the weather being how it was in your parents area i wondered if you would get to travel at all!
i hope all the money stuff gets sorted out for you.