At long last, I've got my pc hooked up to the net again
Things are starting to take shape with the flat, 99% of the stuff in unpacked, the rest I'll get round to in due course... We're still waiting to hear back about how much redecorating we'll be allowed to do, and once that's finalized, we'll be arranging the flatwarming party
Anyone who wants to come is more than welcome, and nothing more than your company is expected
I'm still in the process of applying for the business loans I need, but I think things are falling into place for me to get them
The jewellers fixed Emily's ring for free (and on time) which was great
As I'm not sure how much decorating we'll be able to do, I've been working on some paintings for the walls to make things a bit more homely
Once I can get some decent pics, I'll be sure to post them 

Or, hang on..has the law changed and the seller has to provide you with all of that now?
Either way I'd still get your own helps no end with haggling over the price if you have all the defects in black and white in front of you.
I hope it comes out well for you.
take care.