Well, the object of my affection has decided to stay with someone she doesn't love rather than be with me.
Can I really hate my dearest friend?
Either way, I'm never going to let anyone ever hurt me like this again. I don't care if I'm lying to myself, I just know I can't stand to feel this way anymore or ever again, and nothing will ever restore the soul I just felt leave my body.
This time Evil Spike really is here to stay.
Can I really hate my dearest friend?
Either way, I'm never going to let anyone ever hurt me like this again. I don't care if I'm lying to myself, I just know I can't stand to feel this way anymore or ever again, and nothing will ever restore the soul I just felt leave my body.
This time Evil Spike really is here to stay.
The world's shit like that. I just learned to harden up and not 'let anyone in', as it were. It's kinda lonely, but at least I don't get hurt. I'm sure legions of American TV psychologists would say thats unhealthy, but its better than feeling like shit.